Who is Don Adams?

by meat pie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    According to WatchTower News, the man listed as the president(or officer) of the corporation, on the UN 2001-2002 NGO list is called Don Adams. Doesn't ring any bells, but I'm sure someone must know him.Also most borg did not know the president and the secretary/treasurer of WTS changed over a year ago.

  • DakotaRed

    Don Adams? Didn't he play Maxwell Smart, the bungling secret agent 86 on Get Smart?

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • ChuckD

    Brother Adams consults with members of the GB;

  • expatbrit

    "Brother Adams, it seems there is a problem with the way we handle paedophiles in the organisation."

    "Oh really? Step this way and tell me about it under the cone of silence...."

  • hippikon

    No no no You'r getting him mixed up

  • hippikon

    Photo from Patterson NY. The entire family

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    This is all brilliant stuff, cheered me up no end!

  • joelbear

    When I was a kid I had the hots for Pugsley.


  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    mmmmm meat & pie...two of my favorite things.

  • AlanF

    Don Adams, along with his brothers Joel and Karl, have been fixtures at Bethel since the 1940s. Don was more or less a protege of Nathan Knorr, being a good administrator but thoroughly disinterested in religious issues per se. I believe he's been in Bethel administration most of his career. Joel was in the Service Dept. for a long time, I think. Karl was in Writing from the 1960s through the mid-1990s and was in charge of major projects like the old Aid book, the Proclaimers book, and the writing of many Yearbooks.


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