BLACK SHEEP: Have you sent the email? If you haven't .... don't. It doesn't allow for the WT's warnings about apostasy.
The way I read it, you build a wall in your introduction, then throw yourself at it. If you play the game the way the WT wants you to, they will win. You need to make your point BEFORE the WT safeguards kick in.
You damned near need a degree in a relevant branch of psychology to get through to a cult member. Don't make the mistake of thinking that your family is different, or reasonable. The forum is well populated by people who made that mistake. I'm one of them.
DARTH-- I totally agree with Chris. You are going about this the wrong way. You need to come across confused, and innocently seeking answers/counsel/help. Instead, your email makes it clear you have made a thorough review and already convinced that WTS is all wrong. Apostacy!
Your evidence of the blatant misquotes and misapplication of experts is a strong point (at least was with me and has been with several other friends). But again, you should present it in the light of "How can this be?" "Why would WTS be devious and deceptive IF evolution is so clearly wrong?" "Why would they need to use fabricated quotes if there are so many 'experts' who support their view?"
I would just leave it with "Why did they have to LIE?" and "What else might they have LIED about?"
Also, cut the human history that you say is over 6000 years old. JWs base those "errors" on the inaccuracy of radiocarbon-dating. You cannot win the "science is sincere but all wrong" on that issue. (Scientists discount the "fact" that prior to "The Flood" the rate of radioactive decay would have been signficantly less making old artifacts look incorrectly older. That is the idea espoused by JWs thru the years. Additionally, google the subject and there is an abundance of arguments they can use to support the view.)
You seem like a new JW -- all zealous to convince your family with a ton of info that will overwhelm your mom.
To be successful you need to be a "sharpshooter". Put down the "scatter gun".
Good luck,