I don't know proof God is or isn't. I know faith--a hope for a possible God.
For the basic God concept: Mortimer Adler, "How to Think About God." Beyond
that, ideas of interventions, etc., are likewise faith.
Regarding noone sane, etc.--not true. Some posts here wonder if the JWs
leaders are delusional schizophrenics, so inadvertently provide an excuse for
them as not culpable. I don't know any evidence for that and a mountain of it,
from Russell in the late 1880's onwards, that they're feigning exclusiveness/
lying to sell literature.
(I likewise see no reason to think Popoff was schizophrenic and thought Jesus
spoke to him, only evidence Popoff feigned exclusiveness with a radio receiver
in his ear to get more money in the collection plate.)
Regarding debunked, etc., there's a range possible in Abrahamic faith.
Orthodox/conservative (and the JWs leaders are that) believers are more prone
to defend their outdated interpretations of an old text. The biggest percentage
of orthodox/conservative in an Abrahamic religion is in Islam--most Muslims be-
lieve the one miracle for the religion is the writing of the Qur'an.
Liberal/progressive/reform (S.Colbert, Obama, etc.) believers are more prone
to keep up to speed with current knowledge (evolution, homosexuality, etc.),
which I'd characterize as better honoring the basic God concept: if He's there,
it wouldn't honor Him to misinform or harm unnecessarily in His name--I think
it would piss Him off.
As knowledge grows an old text may need to be seen as allegorical, represent-
ing the culture of the time and not what God would know, etc. An easy example
even fundamentalist literalists would agree with is that Ancient Near East
cosmology (the sky a hard dome, etc.) just represents the culture of the time.
Likewise, liberal/progressive/reform is more liable to understand their faith
as such, so not want anyone hurt or killed arbitrarily, which would be sadism
and murder, so want separation of church and state. Iran could do a lot more to
catch up on that.