How many of you have felt the Holy Spirit being JW? Have you felt to have it after leaving? Always in my prayers I ask for holy spirit, but honestly I have never felt to have it. I love God and Jesus, but if I do not feel to have the holy spirit, does it means I have not the approval of God and Christ?
Have you felt to have Holy Spirit?
by wolfman85 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was convinced of the action of the HS when I was a born-again for about 9 years after the borg. I was surrounded by people who constantly talked about the hs did this, and the hs showed me that, and the hs revealed to me ... blah blah blah. You don't have to look far to find this sort of talk on this forum.
It all self-delusion. You are probably just more honest than all the others who make grandious claims.
While a JW, I felt the Holy Spirit many times, but I ignored those urges, thinking that was only for "the anointed."
At long last, I listened, and left the WT behind.
I love God and Jesus, but if I do not feel to have the holy spirit, does it means I have not the approval of God and Christ?
I love Them, too. If you love Them, you have Holy Spirit, which is what drew you to Them in the first place.
Don't worry, you're OK.
I can't feel something that doesn't exist!
Sometimes I wish there was a section of the forum for atheists, a section for believers, and another section for the extremists from both camps to debate each other.
There's a 110-page thread going right now.
I just glance at it and keep on truckin.'
Usually I avoid those threads, but nothing prevents it from leaking into every single discussion on the forum.
Why don't you join the Jwstruggle forum? We are a group of Christians of various viewpoints. You would be most welcome there.
Here is the main page:
And the forum:
This is a bugbear of mine - "feeling" the holy spirit or "feeling" that you are directed/appointed/anointed/guided/inspired by it. So many claim to have been influenced or favored by it, but nobody ever offers plain evidence, only objective opinions and suppositions. Arguably the Governing Body are among the most notorious for claiming authority or guidance by the holy spirit, but other religions do it too.
I once met a vicar on a train who showed me a book of his poetry and claimed it was spirit inspired. As with any likeminded ones, it was just a hunch - plain and simple! I once thought that I might be "favored" in some way by the spirit when I was a younger, indoctrinated dub. Did I have any hard evidence? No. But when you're in an organization that promotes that sort of thinking, it tends to rub off on you. You feel "special". I now realize it was all just wishful thinking. I believe if God wants to favor me in some way, he will give me firm evidence for me to act upon. In the absence of such evidence, the humble and pragmatic assumption to reach is that you're NOT specially favored. Anything else is just pious presumptuousness.
Nobody should claim guidance or direction from the Holy Spirit unless they have incontrovertible evidence. If you have a hunch that the Holy Spirit is guiding you, that's fine - but please keep it to yourself! Don't push it in people's faces and try to use your "hunch" as leverage to get others to believe what you believe. That is where it all eventually seems to lead - a tool for influencing others.
If you have a hunch that the Holy Spirit is guiding you, that's fine - but please keep it to yourself! Don't push it in people's faces and try to use your "hunch" as leverage to get others to believe what you believe.
to Cedars
To me, having guidance from the HS simply means a desire to do the right thing at all times.
I have no desire to convert anyone to my way of thinking.