Shunning ... when it's Convenient

by xelder 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lozhasleft

    All credit to your friend for being the bigger person. I've known of this before, situations of need/want where they manage to 'forget' the rules. I wonder how they sleep at night....

    Loz x

  • slimboyfat

    My buddy is that type of guy. Went 50 miles up the coast and towed them back. A week later, those same kids saw him downtown and resumed the shunning

    Really? It's hard to imagine. How old are they? What Did the elder say to him?

  • jamiebowers

    It's not surprising, because most jws, myself included when I was one, have this sense of entitlement. Cult indoctrination makes them feel special, because they are, after all, God's chosen people. I've heard similar stories about a cousin of mine who is df'd. Most of the time his jw mother and siblings shun him until they need something from him. He takes care of his aged mother's house and property, and then she has to take sh*t from the elders for talking to him....the cycle of abuse continues.

  • irondork
  • mynameislame

    A true example of turning the other cheek. Not much of a believer but still think that advice is good advice. He should pat himself on the back for doing the right thing.

    Don't forget the Elders are under the same spell as the rank and file JWs

  • TimeBandit

    I would have refused to help. Maybe you felt like it was the moral thing to do, but they just USED you.

  • AwareBeing

    The snubbing starts way before any disfellowshipping.

    It's the local clique who doesn't like your honesty to wards GOD

    and your love of the flock.

    As soon as they sense that their grip on you has lessened,

    they begin a campaign of subtle shunning! Your privileges are slowly diminished,

    and you notice a hatred in the develop.

    This type of power play is the standard fair in eight congo's that our family has endured!

    These are the kind of people that the WT wants in charge of "it's" Halls... evil slaves!

  • diamondiiz

    I agree with Lostgeneration. Those who shun wouldn't get any help from me regardless of help needed or who they are in the family circle.

    Next thing you'll hear a story at a DC how a brother needed help and called another bro and got help but while an onlooking df/worldly/apostate didn't offer to or refused to help.

  • blindnomore

    Wow! I have one too.

    I was approached by JW who was in forclosure for not paying HOA for 10 months. I wrote them a check of $1500 and bailed JW out from going into forclosing their home. They got to keep their home. The next time I saw them in Wal Mart I wasn't good enough talk to. They shunned me. They are still living in that home today.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The sounds about right, "Fair Weather Shunner", you can't make this sht up!

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