is their a different set of laws for jw in california? it seems to be so much more lax as opposed to other parts of u.s? from beiang able to get tats the parties oh mean gatherings lol just seemed dif anyone else notice?
JW s in Cali
by criticalwitness 10 Replies latest jw friends
I'm in the midwest. Years ago we knew a family who had just moved here from Cali. They were surprised that they weren't allowed to attend concerts, even rock concerts. The mom of young adults said she even went to them in Cali. So I guess they do go by different rules there. Oh, as far as the concerts, they just went to Six Flaggs to attend whatever concerts were playing there. I'd overhear the MS sons whispering to each other about going to Six Flaggs about the good seats they had at the concert.
Rules are the same everywhere. Local elders are different. Some are more Pharisaical than others. Depends a lot on the congregation.
Open mind
Bethelites don't call it "Cali-Pornea" for nothing!
Yeah, in spite of the GB's attempt to coerce COMPLETE conformity, local culture always influences the local congregations.
wha happened?
yea, it really ranges out here in Cali. I'm in L.A. and I've experainced the whole range. The rumours of Cali brothers running rampent are just that, rumours.
breakfast of champions
A few years back we went on vacation to Hawaii and thought we'd hit a meeting. Didn't bring any fancy clothes, thought they'd be pretty laid back there . . . Boy were we wrong! They were dressed to the nines! And just as uptight as any bethel congregation. So sure, California has a free-and-easy feel associated with it, but the JWs may just be the exception.
I was told the further away you get from Bethel, the less spiritual the congregations were.
Florida was referred to as a "spiritual wasteland"
A few years back we went on vacation to Hawaii and thought we'd hit a meeting. Didn't bring any fancy clothes, thought they'd be pretty laid back there . . . Boy were we wrong! They were dressed to the nines! And just as uptight as any bethel congregation. So sure, California has a free-and-easy feel associated with it, but the JWs may just be the exception.
I hear you on that one.
On a recent vacation to hawaii, the wife made it a point of contention that she go to meeting. Of course, she packed for us the requisite WT approved garb, but, what a contrast it was that enclave of dogmatism amongst the laid back lifestyle of everyone else.
Two hours I would spare since we were there for two weeks, but, I put my foot down to anything more than that. I didn't spend $6G and fly 5000 miles just so that she could spend all her time there door knocking.
"Hey duuuude, pass the memorial crackers!"