What Are You Looking For, Something That Makes Sense Of Kingdom Hall Conduct?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    I know it's hard to challenge your beliefs you have held onto so long, what else is out there in this world, that makes sense? Once upon a time, we had a edge over the world, we had "game" but this is fading. Why? Think about the talks you heard at the "One Day, Two-Day or Summer Conventions", were you upbuilt and told how valuable you are? How much emphasis was placed on helping you navigate this hectic life, versus energy placed on preaching more, living off less money to preach more, spending your vacation time to preach more? Did you walk away with self-confidence or self-conscience of your short comings in field service?

    It's hard to listen to the same material week in and week out, and feel like you never measure up, don't you think? When was the last time you read a Watchtower Study edition from cover to cover, and thought "this magazine has made me feel I am valuable to Jehovah!" or did you end up feeling you could do more to please Jehovah, after reading the story of the one legged schizophrenic Special Pioneer sister with sixty studies?

    Did you know there is a scam in the magazine industry, regarding pictures of your favorite movie stars, singers and super-models? The photos of models and movie stars are not real, they don't exist! If a movie star does not like the photo taken, they use "Paint Brush" to polish their shots that make them look human. The illusion of the perfect body is perpetuated and women especially are hit with the impossible metrics to try to live up too. How is this relevant to our experience in the World Wide Brotherhood?

    Did you know that many of the parts done on the Assemblies of the past, are performed by people whose conduct might not be acceptable to Jehovah? There is a image the Watchtower trys to paintbrush our minds with those on stage, you are told to follower their examples. How else would someone be standing in front us, if Jehovah was not pleased with them? I am going to share a little secret with you, if you knew what was going on away from the Kingdom Hall in their homes, you might be stumbled. I know you have experienced arrogant Circuit Overseers and District Overseers who enjoy eating up all the praise you can shower them with. Be honest, how many class groups do we have in our Organization? James told us to avoid class distinctions, yet we ignore his inspired words of God, and attribute unreal qualites (Like the super-model illustration) and paint brush them as being "closer to Jehovah" "holy, better than us, more productive, more worthy" than they truly are, it's fantasy friends!

    How would you feel if your Special Day Assembly's chairman was a pedophile or a professional con-artist? Would you be shocked that Satan had infiltrated what our brothers in New York call "The New World Society"? We are told repeatedly by the Slave, we are provided with a safe and loving refuge, "a place we can come in out of the World's harsh wind and burning Sun." the illusion is breaking down though.

    Many of you brothers and sisters could forgive much of the wild doctrine speculation done by the Society, if there was half the brotherly love the Slave claims there is. How often do you get invited to share a meal and fellowship with your faithful brothers and sisters? If you stopped attending meetings, how long would it take for your group to notice you are missing. Would it surprise you to know, there are single sisters with wordly mates, who drop off the radar, never to be seen again? How about the fact that when our dear elderly become infirm, unable to preach door to door, many are wheeled off to Resthomes never to be seen by the Kingdom Hall members again.

    JWN would not exist today, if our brotherhood had half the love it claims to have. You know what I am talking about, you are aware that punishment with judical comittees are not meted out equally. Sheppherding Calls are a strange beast, many times the strong members are the ones who receive the most calls, while the weak are hanging out to dry. Jehovah is not evil to forget all your good deeds over the past, men will and do, but not Jehovah, just try to survive this world we live in! Try to read other books that will upbuild your relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Jehovah sent his son Jesus for you, not for some group of men who claim to be special, Jesus was sent to help the weak and down trodden! Jesus Christ gave his life for you, he does not forget his weak followers, or the elderly ones in Resthomes! Hang in there our precious brothers and sister lurkers!

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    A couple of years ago a family was picked to do a funny part on a Special Assembly Day, after their part, everyone clapped and told the father of the acting family, "You must be proud of your wonderful family! They are doing so well, and growing up in the mental regulation of Jehovah." The crowd was pleased with the performance of this sitcom, if you really knew the family, you knew they were falling apart from the seems. His sons were so disrespectful to their father and mother, even to the brothers and sisters of their Hall! The CO ignored this, he figured "the media is the message" His wife is a chronic complainer, she has never been happy, she is spiteful and speaks negative of anyone who does not meet her internal expectations. The father was ( ), he is suffering from anxiety and depression. The crowd judged this family as spiritual, Jehovah tells us not to follow the crowd, the Watchtower tells us to reach out and emulate ones with parts on the Assemblies. The Society helps you draw the conclusion, Jehovah would not permit bad ones to be teaching a group of 1000 JWs, would he? The spirit appointed COs would never make a mistake of putting half-hearted christians, ones ready to fall off a spiritual cliff for us to observe, would they?

    You have to survive brothers and sisters and realize, what you see is nothing more than men trying to create the illusion you are living in a spiritual paradise. I know the updates of the father of this demonstration, and It's quite sad how he was feeling during his part. It demonstrates that we must use discernment, and pick and choose what we are going to believe. If the Bible is backing your teachings, you have nothing to fear. Don't hand over your freedom Jesus Christ gave to you, and turn it over to men, they will not cease from disappointing you, "A well worn Bible is worth more than One Million worn Book Bags!" BA

  • Nambo

    Thank you Bublegum, that was lovely, I might have stayed in if I had had such an insight, instead I grew to belive I was wasting my time and being a hypocrite by trying to get others to join when I truly belived thier teachings that I wasnt good enough for Jehovah, so in effect, I disfellowshipped myself.

    Since studying the Bible for myself, I now belive we are not meant to be perfect else we would be confirming the Devils lie, that we can be like God when we know good and bad, whereas in truth, we are not like God and cannot reject the bad like he can.

    Also the Mosiac law showed that man cannot be good enough to earn salvation, thats why it was abandoned and replaced by Gods grace, paid for by Jesus sacrifice, the JWs have instigated thier own Mosiac law, perhaps thats why they dont dwell on Jesus so much, who needs Jesus if you are perfect without him?

    My favourite scripture is the prophesy about Jesus where it says, "No broken reed will he crush"

  • designs

    The old JW friends in Resthomes, that brought back a lot of sad and tragic memories.

  • Fernando

    Hey Bubbles! I enjoyed reading that. Thanks for sharing!

  • wasblind

    " Don't hand over your freedom Jesus Christ gave to you, and turn it over to men, they will not cease from disappointing you, "A well worn Bible is worth more than One Million worn Book Bags!" BA"

  • yourmomma

    in the late 90's i was engaged to my ex-fiance. i was at her house and around her family all the time, so i knew all the disfunction that went on. father was an abusive alcholic, of course an elder. her brothers were decent kids, but only did stuff to avoid beatings, etc. anyway, im at an assembly, and out they walk to be interviewed. this was a real eye opener for me, as everything they said i could verify was an outright lie. i could not believe it. so i asked myself, wow, if they lie, who else has lied? also, those parts on the assembly are getting so extreme, that it seems like they dont even care anymore if it sounds plausable.

  • falseprophet

    I had a friend who went to the rehersals for an assembly. He said what he intended to say at the district convention for an interview. The overseer (would it be a DO?) stopped him and wrote down word for word what he had to say. It wasn't true and it wasn't his words but he had to say it or be in trouble!

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @Nambo I appreciate your insights on this, we both have seen much in this organization, and it's diffucult unless you keep a balanced view. I don't know how much time I have left, I hope I am not deluded thinking good change can take place by whistle-blowing the wrongs. Do you wonder how many times Jesus sighed and groaned at his Apostles, and their bickering about "Who is the greatest among them, their duplicity with Jews and Gentiles"? We all will be judged for our failure to act or take actions, I hope, I have made some positive changes, exposing not a small amount of bad conduct, removing some horrible men that would still be in office. I am viewed as a trouble maker with the Hopni and Phineas type elders, our last CO helped me make the life changing decesion, to step away from this elderhood mire!

    @Designs: I wish this was not true, I wish the Watchtower focused more energies on loyal ones who are rotting away in Rest Homes. People get a greater emotional high driving around in Field Service, than they receive doing the actual service of Jesus Christ. Compare their actions to the ancient Church of the first four centuries and how much more sucess they had, good works and love attracted real converts.

    The only way the Christian Church made in-roads into the Roman Culture, was their empathy, and altruism to members and non members alike! I read where old ones were dumped to die on the road, the Christians of the first four centuries picked up these human beings and took care of them. The concept of orphanage, caring for the elderly, widows and sick, (even if they were not christians) was considered an honor and duty! Plagues, Famines, Natural Disasters allowed Christians to practice love and minister to these ones, even if it costed their own life (catching a disease from nursing victims of the plague).

    @yourmamma, falseprophet The first lie I witnesses was having a wife abusing husband, who had not been to meetings in seven months, provide a great Circuit Assembly part on "The Importance Of Staying Close To The Congregation, Meeting Attendance!" Ouch! Second lie was rarely seen kids at meetings (all are now DF'ed) telling the audience how they were going to Bethel, Pioneer, Gilead. ectt. I asked "How can you stand up and tell everyone this, you said your going to UCLA!" she said "My dad wanted me too!" These six kids from this particular Circuit Assembly are long gone! We all have seen people we know are public drunks, pain pill addicts, willful non-supporting male mates, give great parts! One of the strangest parts I saw was someone who lost their house to foreclosure, filed bankruptcy and gave the part of "Simplying your life, to serve Jehovah better!"???????????????????

    @Fernando: I enjoy reading your threads and posts as well, I enjoy your style!

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Sorry for the double.


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