by tjwTimothy 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tjwTimothy

    Hey Guy,

    I realy need a good translation of the following text! :).

    It need to be in the official JW language, like using the words wich arnt commonly used, exept in the conregations. (kingdom, shepperd, etc.)

    Please help asap, its quite important.


    Your ex brother ;) ,


    {congregation is singing}


    In your name, we’re singing.
    About your strenght and dominion.
    Yes our father, your name will be restored.
    From house to house, is being spread,
    the word of God, that gives us guidance.
    Praise his name, yes show remorse, stay eternally loyal to Jehovah God.

    {2 boys hanging on a bridge}

    Thomas: Com’on, jump.
    Jonathan: You go first, you’re the eldest.

    Thomas: Are you scared or something? Com’on prove me you're not.

    {Under the bridge, pretending the baptism}

    Thomas: And then there'll come a brother, who will grab your arms.
    Like this.
    "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost".

    {at dinner table, family together, praying}


    Jehovah, our gentle heavenly father, we are delighted with the hope you provide.
    We are glad with the path that you've shown us,
    and like that we won’t be decieved in satans wicked world,
    and be saved for the comming judgement.

    Please help Thomas, he dedicated his life to you, support him with his dedication.

    We are sincerely delighted about Jonathan's decision to get baptized.
    He's putting his life in your hands.
    We know he will have to endure trouble, will you take good care of him.

    This pray we send up in the name of your son, Jezus Christ, Amen

    {The mother is fixing the old suit of the shunned brother for Thomas}

    Well, Lucas was of course a bit more fleshy than you, you know.
    Yes, this will do, no, wait, that's better, right?


    {Thomas visits his shunned brother in Brussels}

    Phone: Lucas
    THOMAS: Goodday to you sir, we would shortly like to talk about the hopeful promises the
    bible gives us... Lucas hangs up the phone.


    {Lucas is looking at a earring}

    THOMAS: What are you doing?
    LUCAS: Doesn’t it look good?
    THOMAS: Com’ on, sit down.

    {Thomas is preparing to set the earring}

    THOMAS: Jonathan is getting baptized.
    You'll come?
    You know, you can look from a distance.
    LUCAS: Does dad know you are here?
    THOMAS: Dad told me that you’re not doing well.
    LUCAS: Com’ on, put in that earring.

    {earring fixed}


    {In the car, in front of the parents house}
    LUCAS: It was nice that you dropped by thomas,
    I really do appreciate that.
    But I won’t go to Jonathan's baptism.
    You don’t have to think, Thomas, that you can solve everyth…

    {Parents discover Thomas and his shunned brother}


    {parents try to convince Thomas to see the elders}

    FATHER: Thomas, you have to understand god's guidance.
    MOTHER: We have to leave Lucas behind us; otherwise, we might lose the hope ourselves.
    FATHER: Thomas, you have to talk about this with the elders.
    MOTHER: Thomas, please.

    {Thomas is praying on his bed}
    THOMAS: Jehovah Father, help me please, help me please, help me...

    {Judicial committee}

    ELDER1: Thomas?

    Can you tell us why you ar here?
    You’re not only doing much less preaching then before.
    You are isolating yourself.
    You are going the same path as your brother.
    You understand you can’t frequent him anymore.

    ELDER 2: To understand that, you must know that Jehovah completely doesn’t want you to
    be with an apostate.

    ELDER 3: Look up 1 kor 5:31 {finding text}: But now I am writing you not to be in the
    companion of anyone, once called a brother, who is a fornicator or a greedy person
    or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, and not even eat with such a man.

    ELDER1: What does this text tells you?

    THOMAS: But no, Lucas isn’t like that.

    ELDER 3: Thomas, not only this text is handles about Lucas, Math 10:37 as well.
    Would you read it for us?

    One who has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worth me;
    and one who has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worth me.
    And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worth me.

    ELDER 3: Are you worth Jezus? Do you have greater affection for Jehovah then for relatives?
    ELDER1: Thomas?

    {Thomas murmurs}

    ELDER 2: But, you dedicated yourself to god, you've put your life in his hands.
    ELDER1: Why else did you get baptized?

    THOMAS: But I was 14.

    ELDER 2: That's just 2 years ago, has so much changed?

    ELDER1: If you don’t put Jehovah on/in ??? the first place in your life, we'll have to follow
    Gods guidance strictly.
    If you don’t show remorse, Thomas, We'll have to remove you from our congregation.
    That’s not what you want, right?

    THOMAS: No, off course not.

    ELDER 2: Think of the things you put on the line for this.
    Is Lucas so important to you, that you rather lose everything within this loving congregation?
    Your bond with God, your parents, your hope for eternal life?
    And Thomas, Think about Jonathan for a minute. You can’t attend his baptism if you are
    ruled out.

    ELDER1: Thomas, we ask this with the best intentions.

    ELDER 3: Do you sincerely regret your behavior, and can you promise you won’t do it again?

    THOMAS: I want to. But no. I don’t feel any remorse.

    ELDER1: Then there's nothing left to do than to remove you from the real congregation of

    ELDER 2: If you do see your mistake Thomas, we hope you’ll find your way back to the


    {Thomas' elder brother is not at home anymore}


    {Baptism of his younger brother}
    MOTHER: Jonathan? Jonathan? Come.
    ELDER 3: Come here, your family is waiting.
    MOTHER: Jonathan?

    ELDER 1: In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost.

  • tjwTimothy

    Seriously , isnt there anyone who can help me out?

    To make this movie a succes i need some help here :/.

    I know there enough ex jw's who can translate this text in decend english, I do need some assistantce here :s.



  • ShirleyW

    "To make this movie a succes i need some help here"

    So far, what you have posted above will run about 30 seconds if that long, shortest movie in history I'd say.

  • tjwTimothy

    :/, its 13 min, and already finished. The jury already looked at it and was extremely positive.

    Anyway, why dont you take the time using on judging to translate? :)

  • DT

    Will these appear as English subtitles in the film? If so, what is the original language? When do you need the translation?

  • baltar447

    Is that a real "Kingdom Melody" ?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Like I said on the other thread ya the only big red flag I caught is they just don't say "In the name of the father, son and holly ghost" Hope it works out for you

  • baltar447

    That and the Judicial Committee seems a bit harsh even for JWs.

  • DT

    If it's a real kingdom melody, we could just get the english version, rather than translating a translation (same thing with the scriptures). If someone here is familiar with the original language, it would make it easier to get a good translation that fits the original intent of the film.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm sure the songbook can be found online

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