Hi everyone
I've just uploaded the following 12-minute video presentation to YouTube:
The video is based on the following article on my blog at jwsurvey.org...
As you can hopefully see, I've tried to make both the blog article and the video as "JW-friendly" as possible. The video takes the position that the good news is an important life-saving work (a view that most JWs will sympathize with) but then asks, if this is the case, why are millions of people in mostly Arab and Communist countries hardly being reached with this message at all?
The video ends with the following two thought provoking questions:
- Would Jehovah kill millions of Arabs and Asians who have never been preached to?
- If Jehovah spares these millions of people, then what is the point of the preaching work?
I would very much appreciate your views on this video. Also, if you could help in getting the word out among friends and relatives via facebook/email etc, that would be absolutely fantastic!
(As always, if you haven't already participated in the 2012 JW Survey, please do so!)