Refriedtruth, I agree. IMO this is bigger than a lot that has happened to the WT in the last decade or so. This not only hits the WT in the pocketbook, it also gets publicity the WT would rather not have. Past cases have been gagged, but not this one...and you say the "best is yet to come..." I can hardly wait.
Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow
by yourmomma 361 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thank you yourmomma
I'm on the look out for Barbara Anderson now
see what she have to say bout this
This could be bigger than Sparlock!
wow wow wow
Wow, yes this is huge!!!
I too would be interested to hear Barbara's perspective on this. She's put a lot of work into raising awareness of the damaging policies of JWs respecting child abuse over many years.
It would be wonderful if this case could encourage victims to come forward and blow the lid off countless similar cases. Watch this space!
I printed a copy of these documents and I'm handing them over to my wife to read as proof the WT$ is no different than some other religions.
Barb is supergirl/wonder woman/batgirl she has been leading the charge from the get-go she will show in good time
Marvin Shilmer
This is the real deal, and the jury is NOT done yet!
See: Watch Tower Pennsylvania Corporation Balance Sheet available at:
Marvin Shilmer
The official summary and documents can be viewed at
Click the 'Case Summary' link and enter 'HG11558324' in the box. This is the 'Parties' section you can access:
01/28/11 Complaint - Other PI/PD/WD Tort Role Party Name Representation Plaintiff Jane Doe Simons, Richard J. Defendant The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., a Corporation Schnack, Robert J Defendant The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, a Corporation Schnack, Robert J Defendant The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, an unincorporated association Defendant The North Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Freemont California Schnack, Robert J Defendant Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, a Corporation Schnack, Robert J Defendant Jonathan Kendrick Proper Defendant Fremont California Congregation of Jehovah's Witness, North Unt EDIT: SORRY - I WAS TOO SLOW, TOO BUSY BROWSING, AND I MISSED LOST GENERATION'S POST - DOH!
EDIT: Nevermind.
If this is legit, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops and waved in front of every news outlet possible. I haven't read through it but right now I'm checking out the Rulings and CMC Orders page.