Many a dub will be prepared to gloss over the injustice.
When they plead, "things have changed to protect children now," my suggested response: "Whenever someone hears the accusation that, for example, a teacher molested a child, what should be done? Call the police ASAP! If it was recent, forensics can quickly settle the case, but evidence must be collected quickly. However, in the newest edition of the elder manual, they are instructed to call Legal Department at the branch FIRST. The WT Service Department is in no position to conduct a criminal investigation, test forensic evidence, question everyone involved. Watchtower still has it wrong and are more likely to warn the offender before the police have a chance to investigate... if the police even get called. Things haven't changed to protect the children. They've only slapped another layer of whitewash on their crumbling walls."
When they plead, "brothers sometimes make mistakes," my suggestion: "Perhaps the brothers shouldn't be making their decisions in secret, closed-door meetings. In fact, the older men in ancient Israel were expected to carry out legal cases in the public gate before all onlookers, not in some secret meeting. Evidence was presented and decisions made before EVERYONE. There is no precedent for the "confidential meeting" model that is used by elders today or even the GB. In Acts, a full account is recorded of the discussions in the Jerusalem meeting. The fact that elders and the GB have all their meetings in secret makes it very easy for them to make mistakes... big, stupid mistakes that they'll later try to sweep under the rug with more secrecy and more stupid mistakes. These mistakes just don't go away. The cause of the mistakes is that in their private meetings, they really don't feel obligated to carefully examine and wisely decide, because it's all hushed up anyway. That secrecy has got to be ended or the 'mistakes' will only get bigger and more frequent."
When they plead, "the Catholics had it much worse," I suggest: "How much worse would you say? How many innocent children should be 'fair game' to get victimized in the Kingdom Hall in order for the Watchtower child molestation problem to be less worse than the Catholic Church. The fact that something like this happened at all and with the branch knowing about the problem, should cause a person to stop and examine carefully whether an organization like this is really following Christ or is more concerned about its own public image. And do the JWs suddenly want to class themselves with Catholics in their failed child protection policies by saying, 'we're not quite as bad as them'?"
When they plead, "the media and the courts are satanic misleaders away from truth," perhaps: "Yeah, I heard that same line from some Catholics as their cases came to light years ago. Would you agree that the courts were also unjust instruments of Satan by persecuting the Catholic Church, and that the accusations then were false testimony by disgruntled ex-Catholics? Do you think it was wrong for the courts to examine accusations against the Catholic Church of failing to protect innocent children from molestors?"