Hutterites Shunned for education and high school sports

by puffthedragon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • puffthedragon

    I have never heard of this group but I turned on the TV and right now (eastern time) there is a show on National Geographic called American Colony/Hutterites and they are shunning members for allowing their children to have more education than they deem neccessary as well as playing school sports. The group also appears to think they are the only ones going to heaven.

    Anyone know more about this or have experience with them? Struck a chord with me.

  • puffthedragon

    QUOTE: I've devoted my whole life to this place but they cast me out. I'm so hurt.

    Kid quit school so his mom could be forgiven. BTW this is talking about high school.

    Would JW's ever allow a reality show like this about what really goes on?

  • DT

    I used to live near some Hutterite colonies. They had some fantastic bake sales. They weren't very good sales people. They would just smile slightly as they took your money, but the food was so good that it didn't really matter.

  • doinmypart

    This show about the Hutterites and another show about an ex-Amish (Out of Order) have been dealing with shunning and the effects on former members.

  • Twitch

    Haven't seen the program but I'll share my observations

    Hutterites are a religious sect less fundamental and strict than the Amish but not as liberal as the Mennonites, to which there is much similarity. They live communally and though they have separate residences, meals are served to all in a hall where women and men are segregated. They all work at various tasks on the communal farm with nobody earning a wage, as everything is shared and personal gain is limited. As they have little personal money, they typically barter though there is limited trade with the outside world for currency. They are isolationist, protestant communists, for lack of better terms.

    Their founder Jacob Hutter lived in the 1500s and their beliefs are essentially protestant. Everyone goes to church. Their early forefathers left persecution in the old country, namely Germany/Austria. They are pacifist and neutral in politics. There was/is a schism in the "brethren" that happened somewhat recently, in my lifetime I believe. I think it was a liberal/conservative thing but I'm not 100% on that. Some colonies had bikes, some didn't. TV was verboten back in the day. Things are different now I'm sure.

    Education is minimal and higher learning is not encouraged or even available unless one leaves. The community is very structured and roles on the farm are typically familial, with jobs and responsibilities handed down from father to son. Boss, Preacher, Chicken Boss, Hog Boss are some male titles with others who drove various vehicles, did electrical or mechanical. Women typically work in the garden and commual kitchen. Knitting and crafts are common. They keep to and breed amongst themselves, keeping extensive records and family trees.

    There is a contingent of "runaways" who leave the colony as you're either in with the program and your role or out. There are those that are shunned and some that are welcome to visit. I've met a couple runaways and there are some striking similarities you might say. There is a annual bbq/get together here for the exiled but I've never been.

  • sammielee24

    There are colonies in Alberta that appear well run. If you go into the malls you can see them browsing - men in black, women in long dresses. The men also do go into the towns - I saw them at lunch in the restaurant there when visiting. Polite. Keep to themselves. The women all seem to look alike but it could just be all the same hair styles and dresses. They don't bother anyone as far as I know ....sammies

  • Nice_Dream

    I recently watched that show and found the similarities striking. The Amish: Out of Order on the same channel is also amazingly similar to JWs. The Amish aren't shunned if they weren't baptized, but they are shunned if they were baptized.

    It would be interesting if they did a show featuring ExJWs. Seeing differ religions shunning their members and not allowing simple freedoms like playing sports makes me feel less alone.

  • Iamallcool


  • Twitch

    Right, the attire. Everyone wears the same thing essentially. All clothes are made themselves and are purely functional with little or no variation on style. Fashions from the outside world are verboten.

    Men wear plain black pants usually with suspenders and a plaid or plain collared shirt. You can't have a beard until you're married.

    Women never wear pants and dresses are no shorter than the ankle. Tops are modest blouses and a black vest is common. They always wear the little bonnet or kerchief. Not much else article wise but a wide selection and variation on colors and patterns for dresses and blouses. Nothing risque or sexy. Individualism is not encouraged.

  • Kojack57

    Good lord PUFF, these two groups the Hutterites and the Jehovah's witnesses should get together and compare notes. Stupid comes in all CULTS.


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