Are they asleep at the switch, or are we?
Alameda Court Award: Nothing Yet In The Mainstream Media?
by Room 215 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I'm no longer in the States, so I don't have a local newspaper to inform. I hope that each of you will contact your respective local investigative news reporter and ask for them to do an article and get commentary from local JW elders and congregational members. I think that local requests, repeated hundreds of times across the country could result in quite a lot of overal coverage. I live in Egypt. Right now there are other fish a frying, and JWs figure very minorly here. I do hope you all get on the stick about this, though!
Yes, we should really try to raise awareness with this. Please guys, try emailing big online new services to raise awareness. It could find it's way into the real media if we do.
Bear in mind that if people start wondering about this, and the Society's many other pedophile cases, the media may start to wonder about its other practices as well.
if the other settlement made the nightly news with brian williams, i dont see how this doesnt, as its much bigger, especially with sandusky, and the catholic church involved in sex abuse scandals. i would think this is a lock.
I am just going to say this from the standpoint of having been in the media. Personal stories are paid attention to-the little local newspapers that survive do it because the writers are telling readers something compelling that they don't see in national news.Neighborhood people in the news.
DO contact your local news guy-the one that is famous for raking up scandals or skewering the bad guys. The investigative reporters are best-every city of any decent size has one and the smaller papers have someone that fills that role when necessary. DO contact them and tell them, and appeal to them to get the LOCAL PERSONAL stories of the local JWs, their response etc. This issue is easier to ignore when it is a national news story on the third page or even on some cable news show. On the first page of the local section or even the front page-people will read it. It will pop up on the first page of online editions because it will be interesting. People WANT to know this stuff-but the national news is very distant, very impersonal. The local elder is your a grocery manager or store clerk or school janitor or mechanic-he's the guy in your neighborhood. This is something we need the NEIGHBORHOODS to know-when the JWs come by, the HH needs to know this is right here in their own neighborhood, not just some national scandal out of CA or NY.
MAKE IT PERSONAL if you want folks to pay attention. People care more about the local impact than a national scandal, from what I have observed. Remember, it's convention/assembly season along with Sandusky and all the other stuff that can give this attention.
I posted on other thread,,an ex-jw just emailed me that MSNBC is supposed to do interview with dear Ms. Candace today. Don't know time yet.
Mickey mouse
I posted on other thread,,an ex-jw just emailed me that MSNBC is supposed to do interview with dear Ms. Candace today. Don't know time yet.
Any more news on this?
Search Google News for Candace Conti to keep up to date with media reports
As and when you get media links, please throw them my way.
I want to keep an exhaustive list on my blog article to demonstrate how significant and "newsworthy" this story is.
I've got six links already!
I just googled Condance Conti and found an article about her winning the case aganist the WTS on USA TODAY. I think that's a pretty large newspaper.