New Chapter - *sigh* Is this still going on? Is the constitution so cheap that we seek to violate it to ease our own discomfort? A Bible Student would like to have govt. choose favored religions, I suppose. And obviously sees absolutely no problem with that. The entire constitution must be stomped on to achieve this end, but the goal is worthy, so lowering all of our principals and protections is soooo worth it. Until they come after you. Oh, but that won't happen---right? There is no way that such an attempt could backfire. LOL
But it is moot. It is so absolutely unconstitutional that it will never see the light of day. It stomps on all of our history and turns it into nothing but compost, and therefore it is unacceptable.
The thing that is grievous is to watch others insist this is the best way. By allowing goverment---and IRS agents at that!---to choose which religions to favor with tax exemptions. Well, that's something I would not want to see. If they are up to criminal activity, we have laws to cover that. You can't stomp your feet and say "they won't talk to me----take away their tax exemption!" because THEY have a right to free association. Our constitution means a little something---inconvenient as that may be at times---and the end does not always justify the means.
I would support taking tax exemption away from all religions---or at least from the amounts that aren't used directly for charity like soup kitchens---But not for schools. The last thing I care to do is subsidize religious education, so I don't think it should qualify as charity as long as we have public schools. But food banks, utility programs, medical programs---sure--exempt those amounts.
But when we have lunatics like Bachmann, Perry, Santorum in office---letting them pursue their religious agenda is dangerous, and that is what this would do.
The Constitution---a real pain sometimes (at least for some)
EDIT: Had a name wrong.
Hi New Chapter, Except for JWs and other dangerous org members, everyone has a right to express their opinion, but can you substantiate your exaggerated claims (i.e., for example, reference applicable Supreme Court decisions or articles in recognized legal journals with hyperlinks)?
I have expressed my opinion and have provided hyper links to BOB JONES UNIVERSITY, GOLDSBORO CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. v. UNITED STATES. 461 U.S. 574 (1983) (as well as other Supreme Court decisions) to substantiate my opinion, so that people can read applicable cases to form their own opinion. I am not trying to mislead people by making unsubstantiated claims.
Your other exaggerated claim that the IRS would have too much power I have already explained to you in the thread Do you remember what I have previously wrote to you in the quote box below? If the IRS could not suspend an organization’s tax exempt status until sufficient valid claims were filed with the IRS, how could the IRS persecute any religion? If an organization can challenge the IRS in court, how can the IRS persecute a religion?
You write that you would support removing tax exemptions for all religions, but are you willing to work to promote your convictions like I have been doing? I agree that that no organization should be granted tax exemptions for just promoting a religion without doing verifiable charitable activities, but removing tax exemptions for religions would not protect people from non-religious dangerous orgs.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
From the thread
NewChapter - So you would like to use the tax code to enforce your religious ideals? Lot's of people would like to do that. A nice little dance you did there to let religions off the hook when it comes to birthcontrol and abortion. Take a look at it. Study it. Because if you ever get your way, this is exactly the little dance that we will all get to watch. As far as I'm concerned, most religions victimize their members to some degree. So I ask again, may I have the keys?
Hi NewChapter, If you are willing to write your Representatives and Senators, build consensus with a majority of other Americans, and help to promote a law that does not violate the Constitution and 1st Amendment, you already have the keys. The keys are worthless without working for them.
Do you hate religions so much that you are more interested in reducing donations to all religions or in protecting Americans from dangerous cults? If any law that is inspired by this petition permits you to file a complaint with the IRS about the WTBTS, than you can have another key. If you are willing to get other JWs to also file complaints, than the other JWs will receive keys also. Once enough keys are collected, the IRS would be able to revoke the WTBTS’ tax exempt status. I know that this will not be as satisfying for you as all religions losing their tax exempt status and donations, but sometimes a little is better than nothing.
Also, I do not understand why you write that "So you would like to use the tax code to enforce your religious ideals?" Can you clarify why you write this? The only ideals that I'm promoting are freedom of religion and speech for individuals. I'm trying to understand your intentions and/or motivations without assuming anything.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,