Ah ya beat me losthobbit!
More exposure: JW lawsuit makes front page of www.msn.com
by sir82 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Ugh TONS of idiotic comments by people, I suspect many of them undercover JWs.
Probably JWs. Possibly child molesters. Perhaps both. I would certainly keep 'Journal Journal' away from my children.
" McCabe denied Jehovah’s Witnesses has a secrecy policy concerning child sex abuse."
We know better—and now, because of this case, outsiders will know the Truth™.
I noticed It's picking up on twitter a bit, and found it on a FB page to help abused children. and I have spread it around.
If anyone wants me to help RT them on Twitter, I am @purplesofa on twitter.
"Jim McCabe denied Jehovah’s Witnesses has a secrecy policy concerning child sex abuse."
Guess who 'Jim McCabe is...
Do you remember Rand Engine Company/RegiUS and the stock that was donated to the Watchtower Society waaaay back in 2002?
Do you know WHO donated the stock to the WTBTS?
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Probably JWs. Possibly child molesters. Perhaps both. I would certainly keep 'Journal Journal' away from my children.
Billy brings up a great point, some of the JW's that post defending the watchtower are in fact pedofiles. if you go to topix, and read some of the long threads about child abuse, there is no question some of the JW's on that board are pedofiles, or at the very least sympathize with them.
Hey Mr. jstelmach,
Thankyou for you PM informing me that the Watchtower lackey's name is not "McCabe" but is "McCain" and that I need to correct it immediately.
You also made the mistake of presumptously assuming that I would immediately correct my mistake.
I sent you a PM with his bio and a link to his website.
His correct name is indeed James McCabe.
The next time you want to spam my inbox please send Simon the message and ask him to send it to me
because I have no interest in any private communication with you or any of the other JW PR reps who promote
the Watchtower Society as God's only visible earthly organisation.
I have more information that I would like to impart to you but it would most likely violate the TOA and I don't
have any desire to knowingly violate the posting protocols on this excellent forum.
Have a nice life and I hope that one day you will wake up.