Facebook Comments From JWs About Kendrick Case

by cofty 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • baltar447

    Purps, are you "Michele Crawford" ?

  • sabastious
    Satan needs to step back

    Wait, wasn't Jehovah with the elders that covered it up? Didn't Jehovah pen the secret elders manual they were following to a tee? Is Jehovah Satan? COGNITIVE DISSONANCE IS A B*TCH!


  • baltar447

    I almost wish I had an account at jwtalk, but the stupidity would probably kill me

  • purplesofa

    No Baltar! Not her!

  • shamus100

    Okay, I'll bite.

    How do I lurk there? :D

  • purplesofa

    Posted Right above the MSNBC article is one on the Boy Scouts,

    The Boy Scouts Are Being Forced To Release 20 Years Of 'Perversion Files' Oregon's highest court is forcing the Boy Scouts of America to disclose records of two decades of alleged sex abuse – on the heels of shocking abuse scandals at an elite New York prep school and Penn State.

    I don't see anyone asking for it to be removed!!!!

  • baltar447

    Ha, that guy Andrew Stephen S removed his comments

  • baltar447

    Oh, it would be AWESOME to have the WT be ordered to release their "pedo-files"

  • ShirleyW

    I've made quite a few posts on the msnbc site, just got thru posting that there has to be a witness to a person being sexually abused, and how if a sister doesn't scream loud enough during an assault and is sexually penetrated she can be DA or DF from the congregation.

  • sabastious

    Cofty, you should tell these fine upstanding folk that sometimes God uses a world power of the day to discipline his people.

    And there was much rejoicing.


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