I found it very telling that the WT attorney started getting more aggressive with his comments and started the big damage control to the National media the second day than he did in his initial comments to the S. F. Chronicle when this story first broke loose. His statements as Elderelite said are absolutely MORONIC ! " Jonathan Kendrick was NOT a leader or a pastor, he was JUST A RANK AND FILE MEMBER . " So in his and the WT society's opinion that lessens the importance or damage this man did by sexually abusing a child ?? A$$holes. Then the ultimate copout statement, " This is a tragic case where A MEMBER of a religious group has brought liability on the GROUP for actions HE ALONE may have taken . "
Incredible. This WT attorney is so mind controlled himself by the WT society that he doesn't recognize how BAD that statement looks to non mind controlled normal humans reading this article ! The statement totally sidesteps the revelation of the WT society's faulty child abuse policies and lays the blame on the child molester weakly attempting to absolve WT society leaders of any guilt . Jerks.
None of us should be surprised though , it's the same method and same way they write all of their WT articles they study on Sundays - blaming rank & file members for everything from hangnails to lack of faith and at the same time building the GB up and WT leaders up as God's spokesmen. It's insanity at it's worst. I hope this story keeps going viral and the WT society has to scurry around even more like the rats they are . Peace out, mr. Flipper