by clarity 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • clarity

    Isn't it strange?

    With just even a hint of bad press for the god jehovah ....... all his followers race to the rescue to cover it up

    and quickly hide the evidence.

    All doors of exposure are instantly slammed shut!

    Don't look - don't listen - don't speak and deny, is the mode of operations.

    Funny how this is done almost automatically'd almost think they're trained that way!


    Why do fullgrown men & women believe that an Almighty God needs people to rescue & protect him?

    HE has unlimited power and r esource, he created and owns everything, he can change (in a mili second) any situation, he can raise his septure and have the whole darn solar system blow-up ..... if he feels like it......



    Why do puny humans feel that they must protect this Powerful God, by hiding information and lying, hushing up evil and disfellowshipping any who do TALK. .......even at the cost of millions being damaged and dying for lack of medical treatment and even at the cost ............of little children being raped.


    Can he not take a little criticism when he lets kids get raped! When his prophecies fail?


    We were,... and millions still are, in delusion and brain wash( along with a lot of insanity) which is a

    side effect of the watchtower organization continually pounding it into the brains of followers that THEY(gb) are

    Gods Representatives, and then who hoodwink followers into thinking that they are protecting jehovah ....

    but really all along they are protecting the GB in NY city.

    Make them look good ... no matter what !


    I remember hearing heated discussions about the witness blood policies on a radio show and feeling like I wanted to just shut them up ....make it all go away stop saying those bad things LOL! I was reacting to the brain wash. The cause of brain wash originates with the GB and all who sail in her!


  • wasblind

    Clarity and a third

  • Kojack57

    Clarity: The BORG loves to hide behind brainwashed j-dubs, instructing them how to proceed and then they try to pass the buck. We didn't do it those rank and file CULT members did. The brainless don't have a clue even about the recent court case. SAD.


  • yalbmert99

    Why does god need money?

    Why does god need us to preach his word?

    Isn't he almighty god? Can't he do it himself?

  • Iamallcool

    good thread!

  • clarity

    Aww thanks you guys/gals .......... trying to figure out what the gut feeling is (of aTrue jw)

    when hearing things like this latest lawsuit.

    I think part of it is shame ...... not shame on us..... but shame on them ...... >

    Part of it may be embarassment that we feel so stupid to be a part of it .... the word almost states that

    doesn't it ..........em bare ass ment or in other words ....caught with your pants down!!!!!!!!!


  • WTWizard

    If that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag had to rely on me for protection, he would get precisely the level of protection he provided with me. That is, protection from anything that might have made his life worthwhile. I would simply sit there and laugh at him as Satan binds him, and every single one of his filthy angels--I would cheer on Satan if that were to happen. Never would that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag ever get any protection from me.

  • Heaven

    If God looks bad, they look bad. Once you know God is a human creation, it all makes sense.

  • poppers

    Like Heaven said, because they've made God into their own image.

  • Godsendconspirator

    I remember hearing about if there was any wrongdoing in the congregation, Jehovah would clear it up and take care of it. But when there's a case against the organization, it seems like he is unable to clear it up for outsiders.

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