The Fastest Growing Religion in America Is…

by Dogpatch 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    The Fastest Growing Religion in America Is…

    May 4, 2012 9:11 am Comments (54) Author: The American Dream

    Do you know what the fastest growing religion in America is? It isn’t Christianity. According to the latest U.S. Religion Census that was just released on May 1, 2012, the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The data for the census was compiled by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies , and the results were released by the Association of Religion Data Archives. From the year 2000 to the year 2010, the census found that the number of Muslims living inside the United States increased from 1 million to 2.6 million – a stunning increase of 66.7 percent. That is an astounding rate of growth. Meanwhile, most Christian denominations had rates of growth that were far below the overall rate of population growth in the United States, and some Christian denominations actually lost members. Sadly, when Barack Obama once said that “

    ” he wasn’t too far off the mark. Christianity is rapidly losing influence and other religions such as Islam are rapidly gaining members and building new places of worship. As other major religions such as Islam continue to grow in the United States, it is inevitable that this will reshape America in many different ways in the years ahead.

    So what about other religious groups?

    How did they fare according to the U.S. Religion Census?

    Well, the following are some of the growth rates for major religious organizations from the year 2000 to the year 2010….

    Mormons: +45.5%

    Evangelical Protestants: +1.7% (far behind the overall rate of population growth)

    Catholics: -5.0%

    Mainline Protestants: -12.8% (an astounding decline)

    But it was Islam that experienced the most explosive growth.

    According to Ihsan Bagby, a professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Kentucky, there were about 1,200 mosques in America back in the year 2000.

    According to this new census, there are now 2,106.

    All over the United States we are seeing “mega-mosques” being constructed, and in many cases the funding is coming from overseas.

    And these mega-mosques are not going unused. In some areas of the country, Islamic communities are experiencing absolutely explosive growth.

    MORE at link above.


  • apostatethunder

    I think is atheism. Christianity is not only a religion, it is a culture and historical heritage and the foundation of what we know as the Western civilization. Atheism has not produced happier or freer societies or individuals.

    This is just my opinion.

  • Diest

    Dont forget that immigration has a huge impact on Islam's increase. That and they have more children than most religious traditions, much like the mormons.

  • John_Mann

    {Atheism has not produced happier or freer societies or individuals.}

    Atheism is not a religion.

    I'm happier and freer being an atheist now, as a christian I always felt like a slave (actually the christians call themselves slaves).

  • Paralipomenon

    The thing I find perplexing about Islam is that they teach the goal of Islam to install Sharia Law as the form of government.

    Why then, do Muslims leave nations ruled by Sharia Law to go industrialized nations that are about as far from Sharia as you can get? You would think that they would be living their ideal life and not want to leave.

    I am fine with freedom of religion, but I do take exception to Islam since part of it's teachings are to install its belief as a form of government. There is argument that the Republican party has become the 'Christian Party' but they aren't looking to replace democracy.

    I firmly believe that if a religion has clear political aspirations that they should register as a political party and lose tax exempt religious status.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    How many are brought in legally and illegally from H1-B1 VISAs or H1-B2 Visas? Northern United States and Canada have a huge influx of illegal immgirants coming into the United States form the Middle East. Can we count the vast amount of Spanish Culture individuals as being Catholic? The growth of these men and women, are they legal or illegal?

    What kind of growth is it, Organic Growth or In-Organic growth in the Islamic religion? We are not as hard hit as the European Union, their welfare benefits are far superior to the United States, so we are by passed in this way. Denmark, Holland and Germany were offering money to pay for them to leave those countries, they found out they had a high tendency to be unemployed, draining resources. The Smiling Swedes have been the hardest hit, the Swedes are getting robbed, plundered and smiling as they hand over their wallet and cell phone. Sweden has been learning the harsh reality of being politically correct, even Wiki founder Hassan has said they are failing from their lack of direction, they might implode? Nothing like three smiling Swedes talking a walk, only to be mugged by teenage pirates from Somalia.

    France is having to come to grip with the swelling growth of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Why do you think their economy is in shambles, I am not xenophobic, when you have a huge influx of unskilled immigrants heading to a country with fifteen to twenty five percent unemployment, what is left for the citizens and legal residents? How many years ago did we see the peaceful men and women lighting their own Government flats on fire? Burning cars and rioting over the lack of oppertunity and preceived prejudice from the French? The French want to hire a legal citizen and they are labeld "racist, bigot, xenophobic", what a mess the European Union is in, who is to blame?

  • slimboyfat

    Mormons grew 45% my foot.

  • cantleave
    Mormons grew 45% my foot.

    SBF if your foot was dead it too could become a Mormon!

  • Qcmbr

    Fear not - LDS church is in a death spiral (especially in UK). Its just a matter of time. Almost all strong members are born in and the % of born ins leaving increases every year. The internet and open discussion are weakening it. Their numbers are swelled by the mes who haven't taken our names off the records.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    SBF if your foot was dead it too could become a Mormon!



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