I don't mean to derail this thread but if I may interject, I would like to apologize to the poster called Sulla, in his defense of the WTS
He told me that the WTS is nothin' like the Ole plantation slave masters of the south and that the comparison
was way off base. He was right.
" The owners duty to feed his slaves worked much like his duty to clothe them."_______Picturing a People: A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FROM 1619-1900 PAGE 43
" There were periods when the incessant labor was eased. Most slaves were given sunday off if the master was a "good, God-fearing Christian " This was a day much needed for rest, relaxation, and recuperation.________ Picturing a People: A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FROM 1619-1900 PAGE 43
Compare this to the WTS
TIME: Perhaps we could adjust our schedual in order to auxiliary pioneer one or MORE months a year. Maybe we could LENGTHEN the time we usually spend in the ministry. Staying out an EXTRA 30 minutes each week would INCREASE our ministry by at least two hours a month."_______OUR KINGDOM MINISTRY MARCH 2008 PAGE ONE
The more the sheep give to the WTS the less they recieve