Abuse lawsuit made it to major Norwegian news outlets

by InquiryMan 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • NewChapter

    Oh dear. They are bringing reproach on Jehovah's name!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Google 'Jehovah's Witnesses' and guess what? The JW abuse lawsuit comes up in the 1st and 2nd position.

    The JW web site is a dead 3rd place!

  • shamus100

    I've still got the official website as #1, then wikipedia, another watchtower.org page, then the news headline. ;)

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Tens of thousands of JWs are expecting to go online Monday morning as is their routine to download stuff and ...........SHA-ZAM! They’re going to see in the 1, 2 and 3 spots the ‘Good News’ of the JW abuse lawsuit.

  • WheelocksLatin

    "15 minutes of fame" allows "riding out the storm," phrases familiar to Catholic heirarchy. We all marveled at the historic abuse cases that turned North American churches upside down. Almost two decades later, many of the priests remain unpunished and large cases involving class action bogged down to the point where huge numbers of victims tired out and accepted settlements along with the accompanying gag orders (such as happened in Boston). We saw the same thing with several JWs in California, the Society employed delay tactics that tired out victims into saying yes to settlements and their gag orders. Victories like Candace Conti's will last as long as the Catholic victories --- not very long. The JWs know full well how fickle the mob's attention span is, they know how to "ride out the storm."

    However, continuous victories --- victory after victory after victory and milking the media for all its worth --- keeping this and future efforts near the forefront of public opinion is a KEY, a VERY IMPORTANT KEY to demolishing Babylon including one of its top performing cults, the Jehovah's Witness part of Satan's visible organization.

    Let us celebrate and celebrate LOUDLY for Candace Conti and her $28 million victory in Alameda county (the 40% of that which the Society must pay drains about $11 million from enemy coffers). Then encourage all hidden victims to also be willing to do one more key thing that Candace did, she identified herself willingly. By remaining unidentified under court order to protect a young victim, quite often the pepetrator gets away from being identified, too. Case in point the victory in Saskatoon, Canada when Crown prosecutor Kerr represented three victims who won, but because the local laws prevented identification of the young victims this meant the offender remains anonymous to the public and therefore can continue his bad behaviour once he gets released (which was around a couple of years ago after only a year-plus jail sentence).

    Send the next volley. From anywhere. Anyone at all willing to launch any kind of assault upon the demonic JW organization, let us encourage such ones to do just so even if we personally disagree with their views or tactics. Whether it's a simple and singular act by a ten year old such as practicing aiming and switching on a camera hidden in a teddy bear then uploading to Youtube, or a victim willing to launch a potentially emotionally draining civil suit. ANYTHING by ANYONE. Go for it! Sustained, continuous attacks will MAINTAIN the public awareness of how life is as an abused JW. Let not the Society succeed in employing "riding out the storm."

    Launch. Launch. Launch your legal armaments if you're ready now! You know others will follow your trail. You are NOT alone. Here's something else that will help --- encourage victims of other religions so they do not faulter, so they do not tire out. Their victories are voices that mix with ours in decrying organized religion. Here's another tactic employed by a recent court case involving Don Willburn Collins who raped and burned a boy that died years after the abuse in Texas--- go for $150 billion dollars. The victim's family won December 21, 2011. The past decade of tactical maneuvering of JW corporate entities effectively caps the amount a victorious lawsuit can drain since each corporate entity only lists a limited amount of assets. However, a billion dollar win drains that one entity fully. Several wins drains several entities. Eventually, the JW corprate entities will be down to a tiny handful and THAT can be taken down with one little girl and a camera.

  • sf

    Whether it's a simple and singular act by a ten year old such as practicing aiming and switching on a camera hidden in a teddy bear then uploading to Youtube

    Now this is imagination at work. Awesome. This is what I'm talking about. All the possibilities of networking now.

    Ah, I can sleep good tonight.


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