When "Jehovah's Witnesses" is typed into Google, Sex abuse story now TOP result......................WOW thats web dynamics at work
Jehovah's Witnesses Child sex abuse stories have PUSHED Watchtower.org out of top spot on google for term "Jehovah's Witnesses"
by BlindersOff1 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The light gets brighter and brighter...
Love it!
breakfast of champions
Very nice!
Good for Google!!
I noticed that last night. Fantastic!
I can hear it now.
"Satan owns Google and is using it to try to get at us."
mind blown
Now type in Google just the word "sex abuse".......without using Jehovha's Witnesses or children and it comes up 3rd from the top!!!
Can't wait to hear if the elders will give an announment from the podiums!!!! At least I infomed my family and sent them the news links so they can see for themselves the real truth that will be kept from them......