I wanted to thank the young brother who called in and shared his questions and experience. It was a real eye opener on many levels, but I just wanted to share this one point. We've joked around on JWN about the GB having no clue what's going on in the WTS, but now I really know it's true.
The young brother who called Six Screens mentioned how he was once at a table with Losch (GB), and Losch turned to him and asked "so what classes are you going to take in college?" The young brother replied "I was told by (I think it was the CO) that it would be better for me pioneer and not go to college and now I'm a pioneer." The young brother also mentioned how he was taken take by that question.
A Governing Body Member doesn't even realize what the Watchtower Society is teaching (pushing on) the rankNfile. Many of you had already figured that one out....but once again, I'm taken back
I guess GB is too busy enjoying their retirement days....needless to say the young brother mentioned he does want to go to college and will have to wait and see how the recent news of the Conti case is affecting himself and his family....I wish him the best....
Here's the full interview if you want to hear it: