Eight years ago before Simon changed over to this site, I was known as Blueblades. I mentioned back then 7/21/03 that I was diagnosed as having a narrow aortic valve. Well, the time has come to update all my friends back then and now. I will be having open heart surgery this thursday 6/21/12. I am getting a new valve, it will be a tissue Bovine valve ( cow ). It supposed to last from 10 to 15 years. I'm 67 now.
Aortic Stenosis
by Mall Cop 34 Replies latest jw friends
Hope it goes well!
I was just wondering what had happened to you (blueblades) the other day. Thanks for the update.
just sent you a PM
Mall Cop, sorry to hear you are having health problems. Glad to see you are getting a Bovine valve. That means you will not have to be on blood thinning medication such as coumadin. My brother in law has had a mental valve for over 25 years and has not had any problems. Hope everything goes well with you. Isn't great to have surgeries that can help us with our problems. I had a brain aneurysm in 1997.It was repaired by going through my femoral artey and into my brain where they repaired it with platinum coils. I have not had any problems since them. I will be thinking of you on Thrusday. Keep us informed on your progress.
Open mind
Nice to hear from you Blueblades. I really enjoyed your older posts under your former moniker.
I wish you a successful surgery and recovery.
I have thought of you often, dear Blueblades (the greatest of love and peace to you!). May all go well with you!
A slave of Christ,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!