"NEW" Disfellowshipping Stance?
by integ 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
seems legit
I saw in last weeks study article how the Society is really hammering the flock in regard to NOT having ANY contact whatsoever with family members who have been df'd.
I thought they had been softening a bit on this stance but it seems they are more hard core than ever.
Why? Is it simply becuz there's a better chance that the df'd person will convince the loyal witness to leave by criticizing the org?
I had thought that the entire stance on df'ing was trending toward abolishing it..or at least lessening the severity, but now THIS?
In the article they lay down the gauntlet; either you adhere to NOT having ANY involvement with df'd family members or you are going directly against God.
In the article they don't even allow for association in regard to "non spiritual" activities, which previously was allowed.
My opinion is the harder they go with this the worse off they will be. We are talking about ruining families just becuz someone made a mistake and isn't sorry enough in their eyes. THEY DECIDE.
These JC's have so much power to ruin families it's ridiculous.
I'd think alot of people would just say "enough is enough". But they don't. They just keep on accepting ANYTHING the Society says..however ridiculous or damaging it might be.
Loyalty to the org. is loyalty to God...
When are people gonna friggin wake up.
Sorry. I hit the enter button before I had written anything at the top.
Anybody know how I can edit that first blank post?
The hardline has been pretty hard since the late 90's.
They are covering the point more often, but I don't see it as more strict than any time before the last 12-15 years.
I think the reason why they are covering it more often now is the advent of facebook. A decade ago you pretty much had to meet in person to have contact with DF'ed relatives, or talk on the phone. Now you can FB and twitter and IM, etc.
Just like a surprising number of JWs don't understand that oral sex is grounds for DFing, a surprising number aren't getting the point that the Society views Facebook contact as "contact" and wants it stopped.
Don't worry about the blank page. No big.
Yes, the WT is circling the wagons. They are very vulnerable right now between the internet, legal judgements and dwindling growth. Perhaps their paranoia will have a backlash effect on many.
I find that the biggest offenders in this area are elders and their wives with df'd children. They use the "necessary family business" clause often. One elder called his df'd son at work every day not realizing that a jw brother sat next and heard this conversation. I remember seeing an elder ride-sharing with his df'd son day after day. My husband and I finally approached the elders (my husband was an elder then) and were told it was none of our business and that it came under that clause. The other elders knew and covered it up when we knew that the rank and file would be raked over the coals.
*** w11 7/15 p. 31 par. 15 God’s Rest—Have You Entered Into It? ***But what will those dear parents do? Will they obey Jehovah’s clear direction? Or will they rationalize that they can have regular association with their disfellowshipped son and call it “necessary family business”? In making their decision, they must not fail to consider how Jehovah feels about what they are doing. His purpose is to keep the organization clean and, if possible, to incite wrongdoers to come to their senses.
********I'm not sure who you are addressing OO but this was in the July 15, 2011 WT page 31 paragraph 15 (the study article)
Where in the article did it state that? Can you provide the WT issue date and page number?
This might explain why my 18 year old son that has had limited contact "under the radar" with me for the past two years SUDDENLY CUT ME OFF THIS WEEK!
I think its because of the recent lawsuit they LOST and have to pay $21 million to a victim. The KH took no action and no doubt the society is angry the victim got support, when in fact, no one was supposed to talk to this person. The society is trying to get the JWs even more isolated and alone, I hope more people wake up this is a false religion, a corporation, out for your money.
integ, go to the right upper corner of your post and click on the yellow pencil to edit. You will have up to 30 minutes to edit it.