Starting the week of September 3rd they will cease having local announcement as part of the service meeting. Is there going to be a much reduction of the letters sent to the congregation? Will everyone be expected to read the bulletin board to know what is going on? Very strange indeed.
Reduction of Announcements
by wisdomfrombelow 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I used to love being assigned the second or third part on the service meeting and the brother giving the announcements would read several letters, still list who is cleaning the KH, who is mowing, report you time, CO visiting and meals, etc. already take up his 5 or 10 minutes, comment about how he was running overtime and then plow right ahead with two presentations of the wt and awake which took another 6 minutes. I would get up on the stage and introduce the title of the part, and say, "Well, it's time to close our meeting, please stand and sing song number xx". And then I would pray and thank Jehovah that the meeting was OVER!
How are we supposed to know whose turn it is to cut the Kingdom Hall grass?
It is very strange. Announcements at least gave a local flavour, gave a bit of interest and made you feel a part of something. It's like the abolition of the book study. It just seems like they are getting rid of anything that is even remotely individual or enjoyable.
Does that mean they will no longer announce if someone has been df'd or da'd?
Any reason given behind this? Even a bullshit one?
Does that mean they will no longer announce if someone has been df'd or da'd?
Whoa - something big coming?
Warning, this is intended to be satire, not something I know at all:
"They are going to accounce DF'ings and DA's privately by whispering to each publisher instead of announcing to the whole congregation. This way further lawsuits can be avoided"
Doubting Bro
That still wouldn't limit their liability because they would still have JC's, find out about abuse and fail to warn anyone. The only way I can see them limiting their liability for rank & file pedos is to eliminiate the whole JC structure. There's no way they would do that because then they wouldn't have any hammer and lose complete control.
They'd still have liability for elders/ms but you're talking about a much smaller pool of people.
Then again, I'd would have never thought they would eliminate the book study or quit charging for literature either.
This is very strange. Wisdomfrombelow, what's your source?
My guess is when they need money for something the no announcement thing will be waived