I was an elder in the 2000's. There was a situation that came up about a man who came forward with some past wrongdoing that 'involved children'. He was removed as a servant, never to hold a position again. He was no longer allowed to 'take the lead' in field service groups, nor say prayers for meetings. The elders were to police the situation. He was 'not supposed' to go to the door by himself or be left in a car group with kids alone. But it was to be kept strictly confidential by the elders. They were the only ones allowed to know.
What really scary is unless the elders were there who would enforce it...and sometimes even them being there didn't even matter. One elder put him with my wife, another woman and my kids on a Saturday morning when I wasn't there. I was working that day. I asked my wife how her day went and she told me about the service group and being with this man. I asked her if they ever went to the door (her and this other woman) and left the kids with him in the car alone. She said 'Yes.' I was mad, and proceeded to tell her that he is never to be alone with any kids. I should have said something sooner, but I was a new elder and I was told not to say anything. Needless to say she put two and two together and she was pissed that the elder (the p.o. at the time) would do that.
See what happens when they try to take care of this stuff themselves.
It was only part of what made me leave, but about a year and a half later we were gone for good. That place is a haven for that sort of thing to happen....because JWs trust other JWs and thats it. That is a bad combination and dangerous if you ask me.
As someone mentioned earlier, we were to neither encourage or discourage anyone going to the police...but we were supposed to get on the batphone right away to the WTS. That was the policy.