I want to thank everyone for their comments and advice. WEhile I have faded and consider myself free or the organization. After years of being in, I think I still struggle with a little of the mindset and fear of reprecussions . Why ? I have no idea. I do have a handful of friends in I'd like to keep,though we don't speak much. Other than that, that can be the only reason I can give. I'm guessing my friendship may not mean much to some. I will find out next week. After I meet her parents, I'm going to come out to everyone else.
I can say it feels good to meet someone I can be myself with. When I call her, I don't feel a need to demonstrate how spriritual I am by mentioning the number of hours in service I've been in this week or month. No need to talk about the lessons I've studied and how excited I am for the upcoming convention. No need to name drop of elders,MS or who I know on the RBC,etc. Looking back the CONSTANT need to justify my spiritual worth to the opposite sex in order for them to give you the time of day seems utterly crazy. But man did I jump through alot of those hoops !
MrJones - Yes,you're right. I'm trying to be pretty firm with her now. Early,so later on she won't have the idea that she can do what she wants.
jwfacts - There is alot of thruth to your statement. My cousins ( also witnesses, who have loooong faded and not fallen for the guilt trips ) have been telling me for years, that I let my mom control me through duilt trips and the like. While I've gotten better at her 'crying wolf', after years having 'be obedient' to parents ( in the case of dubs, no matter what so times ) I am a bit afraid to lose her relationship. As for reading the texts and lessons, we don'ty do that anymore. I apologize. Thats something she used to try as recent as 2-3 years ago. But gradually I've been trying to ease the control that I give her. It's hard.
baltar447 - I have given that alot of thought. I have never been to church in my life. We never went anywhere as a kid. My mom decided to jojn the JW;s when I was a senior in high school and I was baptized in 1996. After 10-12 years of that, right now I am wary of most religions and really in no hurry to go join any church. I certainly agree on letting kids decide. I had NO CHOICE and it sucked ass,hahahaha.
billytheexbethelite - Certainly. My mom like alot of over-bearing witness parents is GREAT at imposing her feelings and opinions on you. Something I've worked hard to combat.
shamus100 - Yes. But I have faded. This she knows. But she has never given up on me going back. As you can imagine after years of conditioned JW mindset, despite not going anymore, there are still things that a person still works to shake free of. I can say 5 years ago when we met. While I was starting my fade,my fear of what others thought, and the need for JWW approval was much greater. As back then I was still going and half-in, half-out. Thus I ended it before. Now....I no longer go to meetings at all, and pretty much say I'm out. But I guess there is always the fear of losing a few relationships you may want to keep. At least inm my case..there are but a handful of people. My mom is one.
jwdaughter -Thanks for that info. I really don't want to get married in any kind of church. As I told her surely my mom wouldn't come and I would want my mom there. A beach somewhere is certainly fine with me,hahahaha
jemba - I hope your family comes around and warms up to you all. Especially your kids. It infuriates me to think that so many witnesses allow a group of men to seperate them from parents,brothers,sisters,kids or grandkids. They are literally robbing people of time with their loved ones. All because they may not share the same thoughts or opinions as you do ? Shameful. Thank you for the encouragement.
Fernando and Black sheep - I will try to reason those things wityh my mom. Actually a brother whom IMO is smart...yet can't take off the JW sunglasses is someone I'd like to get through to. Considered hima best friend for a long time. He is someone I'd like to remain friends with,but I can see hiom dropping me like a hot potatoe. I really don't know. He too went through some rough times. And despite all that, he got re-appointed MS and now is probably on the verge of being appointed elder. I can tell he is someone that loves a tiltle. So not sure I can get through to him.
Chariklo - Hahahaha. Sorry. My girlfriend is catholic. But she neither attends church like I don't attend meetings. Yet....alot of that stuff is still important to her she tells me. The traditions. I said that,because it was always my impression that the dubs never tolerated othert religions,but they ESPECIALLY had it out for the catholics. And thus to be dating someone catholic......my goodness. Was it me who just thought that, or do some of you get that feeling too ?
transhuman68 - Isn't that the truth. I'm 35 and just now considering marriage. Time has flown. Alot of wasted in tyhe watchtower,but so much more ahead of me I feel.
MMXIV - Thank you. Tht is something I've been trying hard to work on. But like you said, to me sometimes it seems cruel and mean. But at the same time,I'm just giving her more power and control over me. This is something I've really struggled with. I somehow or for some reason feel bad all the time. Most times when I shouldn't. But in order to get my space and even better keep her at her boundaries once we are married is something I need to work on now.