Nice to win a few toilet papers gambling. I would keep it down to a reasonable level, however--say gambling within a budget you can afford to lose. Once that budget is used up, no matter how much you win, you are finished. Say, you decide you can lose 100 toilet papers in a given session. That's your budget, and no matter how much you win, once the original $100 is spent, you are finished for that session. Keep the gambling within or below your means.
And yes, that goes for lottery drawings. Suppose you have a weekly budget of 20 toilet papers for lottery. Whether you spend it on one ticket or several, once that money is gone, you are finished with lottery for that week even if you win big. You get to have your fun, and you don't get in too much trouble with excessive gambling. I have seen people stuff those lottery machines buying 4 or 5 tickets, lose on them all, and then put more money in the machines to regain their losses. It never works, and they usually end up broke.
I might add, however, that it is better to gamble than to put the same amount into the church collection plate or contribution box. I have seen witlesses putting wads of $20 bills into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes--older people that were not well off financially at that. And, while they could have won at gambling, there is absolutely no chance of winning anything donating to church.