The UN Debacle, Disfellowshipping Policies, Child Abuse Cases---Will ANYTHING Ever Sway A JW From "The Truth"?

by minimus 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • outsmartthesystem

    Yes. There are SOME things that could lead masses away. If the GB were all arrested for a Ponzi type scheme and the WT society could no longer print literature....I think you'd see many leave. But there will always be a base group (including my FIL and wife) no matter how small...that will remain loyal. God himself could visit this base group and explain that the society is full of shit....and the base group would say "GET BEHIND ME SATAN!"

  • WTWizard

    They believe that, if they step out of the cancer, Satan is going to start harassing them mercilessly and that Jehovah is going to destroy them if Armageddon happens while they are out. (Both lies.) They are told to wait on Jehovah for solutions to such problems, even the generation disaster. (And wait. And wait. Never doing anything beyond that.) Remember, those witlesses are programmed to be deathly afraid of Father Satan.

  • Cacky

    I learned only in recent years that when my husband was sick 20 years ago, he developed a condition where his body destroyed ALL of his blood platelets, he was not expected to live the night. If he so much as coughed or sneezed, he would have bled out. His blood pressure was extremely high and they expected a massive brain bleed. Somehow that didn't happen, though. He was in the hospital for several days, including during our congregation's two day assembly, and all the "friends" would have driven past the hospital on their way homes. Not one visit. Not one. ANd recently I learned that my kids, who are grown now, back then, once we got back to the meetings, the kids were being told by other kids in the congregation that their parents said that my kids' dad must have taken a blood transfusion or he wouldn't have lived! He didn't, he happened to not have a bleed out that they expected, he was very fortunate. Now I realize why we were always looked down on, they all thought we secretely had him take a blood transfusion! What love, that's all I can say!

  • aquagirl

    I agree w/James woods who mentioned that 16 left Jamestown.Hey,at least 16 were saved,right? And I think that people,some people,need something to believe in,and especially if it makes them feel superior to everyone else.They will condemn the "persecution.Remeber the 'Stockholm Syndrome"explaination?

  • Sulla

    With respect toward Blondie and others who think JWs are a cult, I disagree. JWs are not a cult, they are not using mind control, it does not take some sort of superhuman effort to break free from them.

    The JWs are simply a high-control religion which offers members certain spiritual benefits and imposes certain costs on both membership and leaving. A great many of their viewpoints and practices are pernicious, but they are working in a different behavioral universe from genuine cults.

    Speaking broadly, JWs accept the ecclesiology the Org offers: this is the true church and the true church will make errors from time to time. People who leave the JWs over doctrinal issues instead of personal ones are accidents: in a regression model, they are error terms.

    JWs are not mind-controlled, they're stupid.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    JWs are not mind-controlled, they're stupid.

    Are you playing devil's advocate with that statement?


  • Sulla

    I being unnecessarily provocative. But I genuinely think that saying JW-ism is a cult transfers the responsibility away from where it belongs: the person who adopts it. I alos genuinely think the teachings of JW-ism are so transparently anti-gospel and aburd that people who adopt them have a serious defficiency in character: they are naive, dumb, power hungry, or otherwise pathetic. Keeping with the theme of this thread, these people are not likely to change their attributes and, therefore, are unlikely to react to anything we would consider evidence.

    None of that means they are victims. We here ought not imagine them to be victims.

  • Cirkeline

    My daughter is waking up due to the UN Debacle DF'ing policy and now Candace Conti case and many more. She has taken off the blinkers and sees the org for what it is, or is not. It happened much faster than I ever dreamed off, but she will definetly leave, no question. And when lil sis awakes, we will take eachother by the hand and leave. Us under-covers are in a special postion and can use it to wake our loved ones up, hopefully at least some of them.

  • outsmartthesystem

    When you unquestioningly follow what the leaders say because doing so is necessary for your eternal're in a cult

  • DesirousOfChange

    Mrs Jones: I've noticed that folks don't readily leave unless something strikes close to home.

    Amelia Ashton:Then something that corrupt elder does affects you personally. Doubts are suddenly much harder to push aside. How could he? Where is the Holy Spirit? Imperfect men. It will all become right. Wait on Jah. Yeah, still waiting. It's been a while now. Then something else happens. . . .

    I could explain away anything UNTIL the corrupt elder affected me and my family personally. Sadly, that's the way it usually is.


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