Many of us have been disheartened by all the comments about the Candace Conti case from apologists that indicate cognitive dissonance at work. Some of them even seem to show a shocking lack of empathy.
This might be seen as evidence that even the most shocking revelations will have little or no effect on faithful Witnesses.
I disagree. I think this case is having a profound effect.
I think many Witnesses have been under the impression that this kind of judgement is impossible. Well, they have been proven wrong. They may try to justify it as persecution or a result of apostate activity. They probably feel they will be vindicated upon appeal. That's OK. The mind of a cult follower can only absorb so much information at a time. They have been forced to accept that Jehovah won't always prevent this sort of incredibly embarrassing and costly situation.
We are seeing these kinds of comments because Witnesses really are trouble by this news. They might not be troubled as much as we would like. Most probably won't leave the organisation over it, but this shocking event gives their doubts a chance to grow.
We should also remember that the public comments we are seeing may not be representative of Witnesses as a whole. Most Witnesses know that they aren't supposed to comment on or even read these articles. The Witnesses who comment on these articles are already good at maintaining cognitive dissonance in their minds. The comments may not even be representatives of the minds of those making them. For many, defending the organisation has become almost an instinct, even when they are having doubts. A cult member is unlikely to verbalize doubts until he has had time to make sense of them in his mind.
It's hard to predict what kind of effect this news will have. Much depends on what will happen in the future. However, the Watchtower Society has become an unstable system based on strict discipline and information control. While some big events may have little impact, it's at least possible for even small events to start a chain reaction.
Is this post a symptom of my own cognitive dissonance?
It could be. It's human nature to try to harmonize conflicting evidence. The magnitude of this case seems to be at odds with the bizarre JW reaction. This is my attempt to explain this apparent contradiction.
However, it is also human nature for those with with a more pessimistic view to see the JW reaction as confirming their perspective while paying less attention to certain psychological factors.
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Or perhaps future events will give us a much better picture of what is going on.