What kind of things do you like to do on your smartphone?
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.
Oh... you meant... ah...
I make phone calls but only when absolutely necessary.
Do you have any apps that you like to use?
Sorry, I was just bustin yer chops, llamaCool. But I'll assume you mean besides text, email, music, and internets browsing? Here are a few I like:
MapMyRun to log my times, routes, and other details. Very slick and free. You can also access all your recorded runs from a PC with internet access.
Mint for simple banking/budgeting
Flipboard to flip through news
iTunes U
TED Talks
Hey SBC - Do you actually watch a whole movie on your phone? I just got the Droid Razr Maxx and I noticed the Netflix App was already there, I just can't imagine watching a 90 minute movie on a four inch screen.
My daughter can watch Netflix on her iTouch which has the same screen size as an iPhone. My hubby sometimes watches Netflix on our android phone. I'd rather watch it on my iPad...bigger screen.
Shazam , Sound Hound, Google Sky Map, Weather.com
Shirley, what MrsJones said.
Especially before I got an iPad, I'd watch full movies on my iPhone... but never without ear buds. The video was fine, it's the audio that was the weak link to me... but I have pathetic hearing.
i use mostly work specific programs that are quite boring.
I also use the field service app (tm) to keep track of my hours. :D
Oh, and Exoplanet - it's a really good app. Check it bleeb, it's free!