Here is their policy on child abuse from
by not bitter 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Here it is from that page....
"When any one of Jehovah’s Witnesses is accused of an act of child abuse, the local congregation elders are expected to investigate. Two elders meet separately with the accused and the accuser to see what each says on the matter. If the accused denies the charge, the two elders may arrange for him and the victim to restate their position in each other’s presence, with elders also there. If during that meeting the accused still denies the charges and there are no others who can substantiate them, the elders cannot take action within the congregation at that time. Why not? As a Bible-based organization, we must adhere to what th e Scriptures say, namely, “No single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or any sin . . . At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good.” ( Deuteronomy 19:15 ) Jesus reaffirmed this principle as recorded at Matthew 18:15-17 . However, if two persons are witnesses to separate incidents of the same kind of wrongdoing, their testimony may be deemed sufficient to take action."
In other words... Children if you are children of a JW and are raped.... better be raped by two people than one.... cuz you need to witness. If you are raped by only one... person... you are screwed...
"Our procedures have been refined over time. Over the years, as we have noted areas where our policies could be strengthened, we have followed through. We are continuing to refine them.
In other words: Maybe in the future we will be able to protect the children.
"We do not believe that our system is perfect. No human organization is perfect"
wait a minute... i thought you were not a human organization... sooo if you are not perfect ... why the hell do you condemn the catholic church for their child abuser protection policies?
"But we do believe that we have a strong, Bible-based policy on child abuse"
If that is the case... then the Bible based policy sucks... how about that Gawd?.... Anyway. congrats WT on your strong child abuse policy.... 28million reasons say your policy is not that strong.
"We certainly would not knowingly allow him to serve elsewhere, either because he moved or through a transfer"
That is ... unless it was done before the letter to the BOE....
" Further, we regularly review our procedures to ensure that they are in compliance with the law.— Romans 13:1 ."
Just in case the holy spirit and Gawd miss something when we prayed before we wrote the policies....
"The Bible teaches that individuals can repent of their sins and “turn to God by doing works that befit repentance,” and we accept what the Bible says. ( Acts 26:20 ) Still, the safety of our children is of the utmost importance. We take it very seriously."
Because repentance doesnt mean they wont do it again.... wait or does it? Well it doesnt matter, we will change our point of view depending on the occassion, if you comitted a sin are in the middle of a JC you better say you wont do it again because that is evidence that you are repentant, or is it?
The Society really has two policies regarding child abuse - the public policy (that they're happy for people to see) and the ACTUAL policy (the one they expect elders to implement). The two policies don't necessarily contradict eachother, but the elder's manual goes into far more detail, and is far more explicit.
", the elders may be required by law to report even uncorroborated or unsubstantiated allegations to the authorities. If so, the elders receive proper legal direction to ensure that they comply with the law. Additionally, the victim or anyone else who has knowledge of the allegation may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so."
That's right, go straight to........the Society's Lawyers! They'll find some legal way to hush up the potential embarrasment.
....and, yes, it is his or hers absolute right to inform the authorities, but it's also his or hers right to accept a blood transfusion. We all know both actions will not end well for the victim.
(noted the article is copyright 2010.)
not bitter
To me, what they have here for the public to see is bad enough. I'm going to show this to my non JW friends and see what they think. I can't beleive they're allowed to have this policy. I particularily hate the part where they put the child and rapist in the same room and question them again. How can this be allowed