Did anyone else get somewhat offended by the term "rank and file" that the WT attorney used.

by life is to short 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was just surprised by that term being used by Jim McCabe when he said "Jonathan Kendrick was not a leader or a pastor, he was just a rank-and-file member."

    I thought that was only an apostate term and also what a put down to us lowly members. We are just a rank-and-file person. It just came off a slam to the ones in the congregation who do the grunt work.

    Maybe I am reading more into it, anyone else feel that way.


  • sir82

    I noticed that too.

    I also notice that the WTS has not made one comment backing up their attorney's comments, not even their usual "we abhor child abuse" palaver.

    I suspect that the WTS is pretty upset that their attorney spoke so extensively to the press after the verdict.

    I have a hunch Mr. McCabe will not be getting that speaking part at the next district convention after all.

  • Phizzy

    His is typical WT headquarters thinking, they despise anyone not of the Bethel elite, and ordinary JW's are the lowest and regarded as untrustworthy and with contempt. The victims are viewed by him and the GB etc as of no importance whatsoever.

    It is also an effort to get people thinking along wrong lines, "Oh so it was just a member, so the rot does not go any higher, and look at the RC church, their priests are guilty, much higer up the pecking order".

    Nasty, heartless, money-grubbing bastards is too polite a term for the WT.

  • LongHairGal


    I am not offended and certainly we use it here. In fact, I LIKE that he used this term. The reason I like that he used it is because it reduces all the followers to how they are really viewed in the eyes of the religion. Simply dumb followers or foot soldiers.

    There is nothing loving about it at all. In fact, it should make all the JWs lurking here open their eyes to see how they are really viewed by the religion.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    After McCabe's comment, the WT can no longer state that there is no clergy/laity distinction among Jehovah's witnesses.

  • DT

    They call them rank and file when it suits them. At other times, they are considered ordained ministers who represent the religion from door to door. I don't know of any other religion that calls its ministers rank and file members.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It was meant close to the way you read it. "JUST" a rank-and-file member.
    He doesn't give a damn what the members think of what he said, he only wants the judge and jury (and maybe the non-JW public) to get the point that the guilty party was not receiving instructions and training from WTS.

    You, as a former active rank-and-file member already know what it means to you and you know that even the lowly members receive constant instruction and training from WTS. So even the implication that "THEY" are not responsible for him is ridiculous.

    The average JW (including elders, C.O.'s, Bethelites) will never look at these words in print and may possibly keep their head in the sand about the entire thing and never know anything of it. So it doesn't matter to the GB what words are used in their defense in court or in the public.

  • wasblind

    In other words,


    Great Thread LITS Very eye opening

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Your right LongHairGal there is nothing loving about the religion and sure hope it wakes at least some of the JW's up to what the GB truly feel about us. I like when you said we are just "foot soldiers." Lemmings who will jump to our deaths if the GB tell us to.


  • criticalwitness

    it sounds very business like lol doesnt give you the warm and fuzzies like brother so and so or sister such and such. dont get me wrong there are alot of nice witnesses in borg but the higher up you go on that food chain the more you see the god complex so of these men have where they really whole heartedly believe they are some how better than you. its all a carefully crafted facade.

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