The craziest thing I have ever read...stunned!

by Qcmbr 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    I'm thinking back to when I was ultra zealous (good emotional times oddly - very fulfilling) as a missionary and I think that that person would have actually have given up marriage and family if he felt god wanted it - I was half way there as a missionary away from family for two years and under a covenant not to date girls during that time. Old me liked that the 'gospel' was actually worth something.

  • apostatethunder

    Qcmbr, I appreciate your point of view, personally I do not take the Bible literally, but try to understand the principle.

  • apostatethunder

    I think the Bible can be used for supporting almost anything. It’s full of good and bad examples, you can learn from both, and don’t let anyone use it to manipulate you.

  • NewChapter

    I just have to bump this, cuz I find it funny.

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