Some while back I attended a Saturday night special meet at the K H.. (My wife wanted to go) The British HLC had been enjoying a weekend seminar at the place and they put this on for the flock . It was really interesting. I will not forget the Bethel-Heavy in charge having behind him the chart of what may be accepted and what not...He said with great gravitas that "THE GOVERNING BODY have decided that these above the line may not be accepted" So there we had it. It was the doctrine of men pure and simple. One either followed another man's conscience or got thrown out of the Borganization !
I have seen also an encouragement to accept all that may be accepted and to influence the consciences of the flock. According to press reports of the tragedy of Emma Gough who died locally, the HLC tried hard to get them to try using fractions in the hope that it would work....
Re TD's question about other things that are made from blood, the reason we accepted them was because we were not told that they were made from blood....To the old-time J W, taking blood is abhorrent, like eating excrement. The WT have tried the analogy of a forced transfusion being like a rape. So the older ones just stick to what they always believed - "blood is wrong and I won't have it!"