What? No more washtowel and slave buggery, kingdumb hells, kingdom maladies and suchlike. I can't say I'd be sad to see the back of it to be honest.
Calling for action!
by blindnomore 13 Replies latest jw friends
slimboyfat, of course you can say kingdumb hells, washtowel and slave buggery, kingdom maladies, field circus, Rudefraud, Crooklin, borg, JW, WTS, DF, JC, etc, etc....after first appropriately mentioning 'the Watchtower,' 'Jehovah's Witness(es),' and their full terms. We are not giving up our fun by any means!
freetosee, thx back.
Diest, no doubt your above comment will show up on google search under 'Governing Body,' 'Jehovah's Witnessess,' 'Watchtower,' and 'Apostate.'
If type, 'Jehovah's Witness' in Google search you will see what I am talking about. It's all happening because of YOU and YOUR Contributions to ex-Jehovah's Witnesses sites.
Google 'Watchtower Scandal' for another example.
blindnomore, it is Baltar from the Scifi television series.