Gotta agree with was blind , when it comes to money the org. is quick to respond with lawyers . If the world ended invisibly then JEHOVAH is the supreme court and executioner , Why do they appeal to the devil for justice ?
by Cacky 27 Replies latest jw friends
This statement on their Website is just a bunch of PR BS to appease their ever so unvaluable rank & file members and whoever else wants to drink their Kool-aid. WT society leaders are so arrogant- they'd never admit to a fault regarding faulty child abuse policies or admit to a fault about anything really
JW GoneBad
To quote J.R. Brown: ‘We now look to the Court of Appeals for a thorough review of this case’
J.R. Brown and the WTBTS may feel that they are the exception to what 1Cor 6:7,8 says:
7’ Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for YOU that YOU are having lawsuits with one another. Why do YOU not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do YOU not rather let yourselves be defrauded? 8 To the contrary, YOU wrong and defraud, and YOUR brothers at that.’
According to the Bible WT is guilty on one count for sure: (1) disregarding what 1 Cor 6:7,8 says thus taking Candace Conti back to court. Rather why does not WT let itself be 'wronged and defrauted?' Answer: $$$$
JW GoneBad
Candace had no choice but to take this matter to the court of the land. Especially since there are thousands of other children who have been molested with-in the organization like herself with no one coming to their rescue. Candace is very much like the individual who cries out: ‘See that I get justice from my adversary at law’. (Luke 18:3)
Shame on J.R. Brown! Shame on WT!
it all adds up to one of the latest WT studies where they tried to guilt the members into sending more money , I think we know why now. They are pharisees and hypocrites who only want to white wash their corruption . Their deceit is obvious to outsiders , inside they are pressured to toe the line in favor of all things watchtower . I accuse them 0f many serious moral breaches . I include murder (blood dogma) , blaspeme (generation dogma), beast worship (UN scandal). They clearly refuse to repent these things .
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Do they really think we're gonna believe that THEY are the victim?
Even my Mom, a devout dub, doesn't think they are; so who do they think they're fooling?
It's just sofa-king disgusting.
All I can do is try. Thanks for the well wish though.
The thing that gets me with this response is the various links--the one that discusses the JW policy regarding child abuse.
The example they give regarding a person who was guilty of child abuse in the past being appointed as an elder or servant, I guess:
"In a few instances, individuals guilty of an act of child abuse have been appointed to positions within the congregation if their conduct has been otherwise exemplary for decades. All the factors are considered carefully. Suppose, for example, that a long time ago an 18-year-old male had sexual relations with a 15-year-old girl who was a willing participant. Depending upon the U.S. jurisdiction where he lived when this happened, elders may have been required to report this as an incident of child abuse. Let us say that 20 years have passed. He has been living an exemplary life and he is respected. In such a case, the man could possibly be appointed to a responsible position within the congregation."
"A few instances"? Would this be three or four, or three or four thousand? What do they consider "a few"? It's an unprovable statement for the audience, as we don't have any access to their files on these issues!
Second, a teenager having sex with another willing teenager is the best example they can come up with?? That's a total red herring! The real issue is child molestation, which would involve something quite different from an 18-year-old doing it with a willing 15-year-old, which would be statutory rape, another matter altogether, even if the girl was willing. Maybe there's no legal distinction between the two, so I may be off-base here, I'm no legal expert.
Even so, uggh...they really are on a different planet here. It's just hard to imagine that I was ever part of this kind of reasoning. They really need to get hit harder than this $28 mil, because they still don't have any sense.