I have come a long way during this last year. Although I continue to go to meetings I have drastically cut down on the amount of time I have spent out in service (I have stopped pioneering), I don’t study for any meetings, read my text or magazines (I hardly even look at the pictures anymore). Unfortunately is like I take two steps forward and one back, I accepted a JW “privilege” today, I feel extremely guilty about it but I am such a push over I can’t say no. Also, a few month back I told my mom how I felt about being a JW and she agrees with the points I have brought up but she loves to show others that she raised “the best” children and she begs me to stay, she keeps telling me this was how I was raised and I don’t know any better…It’s hard I still don’t feel that I have developed enough of a support system outside of the JW’s to leave yet. ..this feeling of guilt about staying is really bothering me today though, so I need your support please!
feeling guilty
by lostinthought 12 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
Love to you lostinthought
I didn't go through that faze but i can tell you my GUILT is so much improved!!!! it used to be my middle name. Now not at all
All in due time, dear LIT (peace to you!). Once I realized what it was, I had to stop touching that unclean thing pretty quickly. So, some, like me...like to rip off the bandage (one big pain but over quick). Others have to peel it off slowly (lots of pain... some big, some small... and takes some time). Yet, others just let it fall off on its own over time (no pain but serious risk of infection from that dirty, germy bandaid).
Just depends on how fast you want to move on. And if you're a minor (or a young person with no place to go)... that can affect which method you choose, as well.
Also depends on what you want to move on TO. For me, there was no what - only a Whom.
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
...don't worry.If you can get out of it,try to.If not, time will fly like crazy! Thanks so much for the pm...
lostinthought, the guilt is tough to get past but it will soon pass. I used to think about what part of the meeting was going on when I wasnt there, and I used to feel bad if I ran into JWs at a store or restaurant after a meeting when I missed it. It got so bad for a while that I avoided going out on meeting nights or Sunday afternoon because I didn't want to deal with the guilt. Even my best friend, who had been df'd and reinstated and was still sleeping with her worldy boyfriend guilt tripped me about meetings and service. But after a while it goes away.
YOU HAVE TO MAKE FRIENDS! It is tough, it is weird if you grew up in the truth developing relationships that arent based on field service but it will happen. I have made awesome friends that I love and they support me. Some of them know about my JW past and some don't. I have avoided being df'd but I feel it is only a matter of time. For now, my parents still love me and support me, very little pressure about JW stuff anymore. If my mother wants to invite me to a meeting, she will just text me to avoid the awkwardness. Even if we just spent 10 minutes on the phone she will still just text me about the meetings. My dad is an elder and he doesn't push either which amazes me. My sister is the only one who is vocal anymore, she goes between shunning me and love-bombing me, lately its been more of the shunning which hurts deeply but I can't control her, I sadly had to replace her. I have two girls that are close as sisters to me (I'm a guy) and that helps me a lot.
It gets better.
Look for ways to do good....
Give encouragement and validation of things not endoresed by the WTS but the Bro/Sis desire.....
Help the elderly in your congregation....organize youths to spend time doing lawn care or washing cars for them....(keeps them out of service but still seeing value in assisting those in need)
This too shall pass, feeling overwhelmed at times is inescapabe.....
Keep building a stable bridge of support for you will need it later.....
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Hang in there! Keep planning for your future, one step at a time toward the exit.
This is in and of itself evidence that the JWs are a cult. They control you through guilt and fear.
My heart goes out to you. The guilt you feel will pass when everyone withdraws their conditional "christian" love. Then you'll see just what this organization is all about.
the most important thing you can do is read and educate yourself. DO RESEARCH! Learn HOW to think (the WT organization only tells you WHAT to think). Learn how to critically analyze information. THEN dissect your beliefs. Truth will stand up under intense scrutiny. Falsehoods crumble
breakfast of champions
Don't beat yourself up over it. You're doing your best with what you've got, just like we all are.
Baby steps. Stop donating and offering the Washtowel. Travel a little and miss meetings. Oh....sorry you missed me i was out of town..... Start-up a phoney Facebook page for your cat and have him send all your JW contacts apostate links..:)