I think it would really be a miserable existence to crave something forbidden. Perhaps the kindest thing would be to euthanize pedophiles for their own good.
Do Pedophiles deserve sympathy?
by purplesofa 149 Replies latest members adult
Castration is an option. There have been some molesters who have actually castrated themselves in an attempt to make the thoughts stop.
BTS, that's why I revised my comment - note, I didn't edit! :)) I, too, looked up the definition of pity - perhaps the Oxford dictionary has a better definition for the feeling.
Razzy - Unfortunately, even castrated pedophiles still offend chidren, by touch, having them watch/read porn, and other acts which give them some sort of perverse pleasure.
I do feel some sort of sorrow for the plight of those who would go that far - it must be truly horrible to hate yourself so much because you have such monstrous thoughts.:' (
Edit: It seems to be some sort of compulsion. Thoughts?
OK, I got 30mins into video and thats all I can take.
BAsically, I think he is saying pedophiles that indeed act on their feelings have lower IQ's than the normal population.
and are prone to being lefthanded 30% and probably failed grade in school :(
They deserve no sympathy, especially the ones who groom children which must take time and patience and deliberateness in carrying out the eventual act of abuse, showing a certain degree of intelligence.
They are predators and like all predators they should be hunted down.
Feeling sorry for these monsters is treading on that slippery path towards accommodating them.
No,I will save my sympathy for those more deserving.
AA members are taught that while it may be harder for them to stay sober, they are responsible for their actions, past, present and future. No sympathy, my father was a sociopathic pedophile who lied about his actions toward his children until the day he died. Through my job I have dealt with others. Of all criminals, they are highest in recidivism. They are child rapists....people need to remember who have hurt.
If we really want to find more reliable answers and effective approaches, we are better served by leaving the emotional clutter out of the equation IMO.
Razziel is talking quiet sense here . . . if it is a problem that can be nailed down to hard-wiring, at least in part, then that gives optimism for the problem being addressed and possibly suppressed somehow. I'm all for less victims whatever road is travelled.
You can shoot and castrate all the offenders you want. That will satisfy an emotional need and immediate sense of justice, but it won't stem the tide of new offenders and victims. Only a better understanding of the true nature of the problem will achieve that.
I think this opening sentence says it all, and I totally overlooked it
One cannot choose to not be a pedophile, but one can choose to not be a child molester.
I sincerely hope that this coverage of Catholic priests, Boy Scouts, Sandusky, JW's helps to
bring to light the child molester issue, that it will not be tolerated, that any suspect of it should be
confronted and investigated. That we listen to our children. One of the victims in the Sandusky case
did not want to continue to go to his house after being molested and his mother continued to make him go.
Imagine how she feels now. All the people that chose to keep quiet. We must, must protect our children.