
by radar 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    It is intersting that the bible does not speak specificly about things like Smoking, Blood tranfusions, etc, which the Watchtower will expell its own members over.
    Yet the bible does speak specificly about over eatingit even goes on to say that such people will not inherit the Kingdom. Yet from my experience in the organisation many Witnesses would over-eat(few pleasures left when you got your head in a book all the time) and many were clearly overweight and suffering for it!. This led to all sorts of health problems for them from back trouble to heart disease, Yet I never heard of any being dissfellowshiped on the grounds of gluttony/overeating!!

    Have you?

  • Mindchild


    I thought this was an excellent point and if the WTS ever applied it, they would literally loose tens of thousands, maybe even over a hundred thousand members. I recall many infamous "pot luck" dinners back in dub-land where people would stuff themselves so much that they didn't even leave the table for hours. I'm not really talking about people who have a genetic disorder and are obese, although there are some I've seen who are dubs, but rather people who literally ate themselves into diabetes because they didn't have any self control when it came to food.

    You really know you have a problem with gluttony when you go to a buffet that allows you to eat all you want and you stay there until they close. I have really heard some dubs complaining that they got kicked out of buffet's because they stayed there longer than 4 hours!

    I really think the reason the Borg stopped the meal program at assemblies was because there were people who ate all the profits.


  • Shimmer


    There was this one particular obese elder's wife who rode my ass about how I chose to raise my kids. Making little comments and digs all the time. There were soooooooo many times I felt like telling her off about how she was a glutton, and an obese fat hog and to get the hell outa my face and if I wanna bring a doll for my 1 yr. old daughter to play with at these boring as hell meetings that's my perogative and go stuff your face with some more chicken you old battle axe. Wow! Do you sense some pent up hostility? Touchy subject for me I suppose.


    Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL

  • plmkrzy

    I Totally Agree. I use to feel real guilty for smoking. Use to hide it and never went to the meetings right after i had a cigg. I would get out of the shower, gargle, get dressed and go then after the meeting was over leave and light up. Real Stupid!!!
    I would see so many things people would do that TO ME of all people was "unexceptable" but I felt guilty for smoking.

    I saw a program on 'Discovery' about a community of senior citisens who drank wine everyday and smoked "tabacco" everyday and they had PERFECT health.
    It was some kinda 'fanominin' (spell Ck)
    Anyway researchers think it has to do with there 'diet' and the way they prepare there food.
    They suffer NO arthritis. No cancer of ANYKIND. there lungs are CLEAR.The average age was betweem 60 and 100+ years old. Really cool program.


    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • ChakkaConned

    Well, they don't call themselves "the most meetin-est, the most greetin-est. and the most EATIN-EST people on earth" for nothing! LOL

  • Wren

    My husband knew several very large sisters that were publicly reproved for gluttony. The congregation had regular get together bring-a-dish dinners. I guess they really could "put on the feed bag". A visiting speaker was shocked by the size of the sisters and the amount consumed, so that's where the counseling started and progressed.

    Could you imagine the committee meeting? "I swear to God Brother Elder I'll go on my diet tomorrow! Sniff, Sniff."

  • LB

    Here we go again, same old crap. I suppose picking on obese people is acceptable. Go for it. Be judgmental and maybe soon enough you can all rejoin the borg.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Prisca

    BTW, a thin person could be an over-eater. Due to their metabolism they don't gain weight.

    So just because a person is big doesn't mean they are a glutton. There could be more to it than that.

  • expatbrit

    I'm not sure that over-eating is an exclusively JW vice.

    One of my Jewish work partners told me that all Jewish legends (including the book of Esther) can be summed up in three sentences:

    They tried to kill us.
    We won.
    Let's eat!


  • Beck_Melbourne


    I have not heard of anyone being DF for gluttony...but I have heard of some being counselled for it...not quite the answer to your question.

    Good point by the way.


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