The perfect storm...time to exit the JW's

by Giordano 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Giordano

    Your Karma has already run over their dogma. Your beating them half to death with your generosity and kindness. Never have I seen more persecution coming from one person....LOL

  • 00DAD

    Giordano: Your beating them half to death with your generosity and kindness. Never have I seen more persecution coming from one person....LOL

    I'm only 1/2 way done ... got more work to do!

  • Kojack57

    I will say this, the case where the Monsignor was found guilty of hiding and shuffling priest around to different parishes was found guilty of that, and now can face 3-1/2 to 7 years in prison. In fact his bail was refused and he is sitting in a cell now.

    If I was one of those elders in California I would be sweating bricks knowing that the court system may throw their sorry asses in jail for hiding Pediophiles in the supposedly Christian congregation.

    It would behoove any elder that is active as a Jehovah's witness to get the HELL out now. Otherwise when the hammer comes down the G.B. will not show any sympathy and you will deserve what you get.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't use your feelings as the excuse. Use the actions of the Watchtower. Make defending members explain the factual actions of the Watchtower, and don't let them weasel their way out by diverting the subject to your feelings.

  • extractor

    With the WT it's not just dogma, it's dogmanuer.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    It is a great catalyst that is being used by many to either go inactive or begin the fade.

    It's an "honorable" way to take a step back even in the minds of many cult members. I just love the uncomfortable message it sends to the congregation.

    How can you really blame someone for listening to their god given conscience.

    If you a current JW, give this approach a try.

    The Oracle

  • whathappened

    Sounds good to me. I will add this to my list.

  • whathappened

    Sounds good to me. I will add this to my list.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Technically, I think the best time to exit the JWs would be after letting lose a substantial SBD fart during the meeting. If you're not sure whether it's actually going to be silent, I would suggest dropping a book at the appropriate moment to try to conceal the release of your own "perfect storm". Then gather up your books and walk out of the KH, never to return. Everyone else can remain inside their windowless "spiritual paradise".

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Kojack said:

    "It would behoove any elder that is active as a Jehovah's witness to get the HELL out now. Otherwise when the hammer comes down the G.B. will not show any sympathy and you will deserve what you get."

    Statute of limitations on a crime doesnt care if you're in or out: they can run, but they can't hide...

    But you do have a point of not being involved in a future criminal conspiracy, just because being an elder provides some ego-gratification now...

    Btw, if there were a child molester case being dealt with, elders should consider that one of the other elders MAY become an informant for the State, in order to do a bit of house-cleaning. Shame if elders meetings had to start with elders strip-searching each other, to look for wires/bugs/spy cams, etc.

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