I'm so glad you decided to do a return visit.
Since my illness, I dream a lot - mostly a jumble of stuff.
Last night's dream, however, was crystal clear.
by snowbird 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I'm so glad you decided to do a return visit.
Since my illness, I dream a lot - mostly a jumble of stuff.
Last night's dream, however, was crystal clear.
They're the dreams to take note of!
Make sure you write them down as soon as you wake up :)
The Spirit wakes you up so you can catch everything rather than miss it all.
I usually find I am lucid immediately on waking up for this purpose.
English Standard Version (ESV)
2 And the Lord answered me:“Write the vision;
make it plain on tablets,
so he may run who reads it.
3 For still the vision awaits its appointed time;
it hastens to the end—it will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it;
it will surely come; it will not delay.
Stephen xx
So what's been happening? What can I pray for you now?
The Watchtower has been hit with a multimillion dollar lawsuit.
I've been diagnosed with arthritis, anxiety, and Meniere's disease.
I'm on disability and doing pretty good.
Last month, I returned to the forum for the first time in close to a year.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
How are Mrs. Chalam and Chalams 1 and 2 doing?
I'm so happy that you are back.
Psalm 103 :)
The Chalam household are doing well thanks!
Sylvia, you have my email if you ever want to contact me :)
Do you remeber my advise to you from two years ago?
I just looked it up. The PM is "untitled" but starts thus.
" Hello Sylvia,
I am glad they strengthened you :)
I think you need to consider"...
Check it out if you can and see what you think.
Stephen xx
Never underestimate the power of a determined woman.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I do remember.
Last I heard, they're still going strong.
It's been two years???
Stephen, do you also have an eidetic memory?
Hi Syl :
Been caring for family and many dogs lately; consequently, I have little free time now.
The humility and lowliness of mind that the WT highlighted years ago always resonated with me. Not to mention Jehovah's use of the most unlikely of individuals (outcast, woman, child) to effect monumental changes. Despite what is clearly wrong with the Society in practice and teaching, it was once, IMHO, a force for morality and righteousness. My perspective is totally subjective, of course.
I'm honored that CC of the suit chose my initials!
The humility and lowliness of mind that the WT highlighted years ago always resonated with me.
Same with me.
I recall with a mixture of sadness and nostalgia Watchtower study articles such as "Christian Greatness Comes From Serving," "Conducting Ourselves As Lesser Ones," "An Excellent Woman Displays Loyal Love" etc, ...
Ah, well, the King still lives.
Well put, Syl ...
Off, now, to put the dogs to bed and me, too.
To sleep, perchance to dream ...