Remember the Story about a Month Ago RE the Woman Who Murdered Her Two Children?

by jamiebowers 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    I have received correspondence from a JW in Ontario Canada. The following is background information regarding the Sinclair family and their adult children. Their son, Scott left the cult and committed suicide. Their daughter, Felicia Boots also left the cult, married, and moved from Ontario to London. She had two children, who sadly, she recently murdered. Here is an article about this terrible situation:

    Reporters are investigating this story and are learning about the negative results of shunning. The Ontario JW also said:

    She, (Felicia) was in a depressed / mentally sickened state prior to having children - all related to her exit from the church and her strained relationship with friends and family because of it.

    A reporter visited the kingdom hall in Oakville and was yelled at and told to get off the property. More interviews are taking place. An active elder in Oakville reported - who wants to remain anonymous,that a newspaper reporter from London visited the Oakville KH to ask some questions related to the suicide of Scott, Felicia's relationship with her parents, and the churches policies on shunning.

    At Scott's funeral the guy giving the talk tried to blame the suicide on back pain - there was never any mention of the fact he wanted out of the religion of course. This deception may irk a few of the JWs even. Nobody likes to be lied to when it comes to the reasons for suicide. Imagine an auditorium filled with people - only there because a young man couldn't handle the pressures of leaving his religion and decided to kill himself - and ironically they are all drawn together and are comforting one another with the religious teachings... the same religion that actually caused the young man's death. Tragic..

    Felcia's mom didn't even come to Felicia's wedding because she was marrying a worldly man. Please. She also told friends in the congregation that she doesn't have children left. Scott was dead, and Felicia had left the truth so she was as good as dead. She may have visited her in England when she realized her depression was serious - but they are foolish and evil parents for allowing the WT to guide their thinking to such an extent that they would inflict mental abuse on their own children. Shameful.

    I'm afraid that people even on this board are not realizing the huge impact the WT and its harmful policies have had on this poor family, and justice cries out that this be corrected.

  • besty
  • bittersweet2K

    I've been a lurker for quite some time. I was really moved to respond to thiis topic. Im almost at a loss for words because there's so much to be said. What a horror story!! There has been so much damage to people that have been part of that organization!!

  • ziddina

    Why didn't this thread stay active from the first time Jamie posted it???

    I'm going to bump this thread - and bump it again in a few hours.

  • dinah

    How many people have to die from this "loving discipline"?

  • biometrics

    Shunning = bloodguilt

  • ziddina

    Bumping this thread again...

  • smiddy

    When will the bloodguilt of this cult ever stop ?


  • ziddina

    I wish - OH, how I wish! That the governments WOULD become more involved in determining which religions or faiths are cults - and should be curtailed or fined heavily....

    You'll notice that I didn't say, "banned" or "outlawed"...

  • happy@last

    Absolutely tragic, the mental anguish she lives with must be unbelievable, so so sad....

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