haha So I know the public Watchtower from May 1st was probably discussed a while ago, but the logic contained in the article about religion and politics is so ridiculous. My boyfriend had one lying around when we were hanging out the other day. I swear, he leaves them around when he knows I'll be stopping by to see if it will interest me. If I do read it, I mostly just laugh about the nonsense. We used to legitimately discuss it, but I can't get past the the logic that most eight year olds could combat. :P
Anyway, my favorites are:
"What then, will happen to manmade governments? The Bible answers that the governments "of the entire inhabited earth" will be destroyed. If an individual truly believes that God's Kingdom is about to remove all man-made political systems, he would logically refrain from supporting those political systems. After all, if he tried to prop up doomed, man made governments, he would, in effect, be taking a stand against God."
I also like how they talk about how Jesus not wanting to be anyone's king and how saying render unto Caesar what is Caesar's were "clear" proof that Jesus was not involved in politics at all. Then they said people were always trying to get him involved in the controversial issues of the day. Maybe I'm reading the wrong Bible; I guess I missed the bit about his constant refusal to appear on Roman CSPAN...