Are there strategies for attending a DC while DF?

by GeneM 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • GeneM

    All cool I like where your heads at. ;)

    He is getting his things packed in secret and will be moving 1000 miles down here to live with me, but he needs to maintain for 2-3 more weeks. Hes living with my older brother who told him he has to go to the DC or find someplace to live. Little do they know that I already have a room ready. When they find out that he's moving in with his apostate brother they are going to have a collective shit fit.

    They know I'll make sure he never goes back. My friends and I are going to get him laid and get him a job.

  • wasblind

    The D'Fed teens at the DC I attended just stood around lookin like damn fools

    cuz nobody from our cong would talk wit 'em

    Ain't no way I would put my child through that abuse

    Yes, I would sacrifice myself to a shunnin' for the sake of my child, Jesus understands, he sacrificed hisself for me

    that's called love

  • OnTheWayOut

    I 100% echo what Quendi says. He is allowed to talk as he pleases, they are the ones with some silly rules to follow. Consider whistling loudly whenever anyone is introduced to the stage or anytime he feels like it.

  • JWOP

    Are you living in the United States? If so, threatening him with homelessness just because he doesn't want to attend a convention is ILLEGAL because it is denying him his constitutional right to freedom of religion.

  • Kojack57

    I would embarrass my parents if it was me, by not saying I was disfellowshipped and talking to anyone and everyone that came up to me.

    In fact, I would purposely go up and talk to people. Next time my parents would not try to force me to go where I don't want to be.


  • Finkelstein

    If he's got a smart phone, tell him to put it between a bible, connect it to some ears phones and hide the wires under his shirt.

    Tell his parents that he's going to sit somewhere in the higher sections so that he's not bothered by anyone, now being DFed.

    You can play some amazing games on smart phones these days

  • laverite

    I agree with the other posters who have suggested he talk with anyone and everyone as much as he pleases. If his parents say anything to him about that, he can politely remind them that he is no longer a JW and that these silly shunning rules are their rules (and that these rules NOT his rules as he is no longer bound by them at all and that HE is free to speak to whomever he wishes). I would tell him to make a point of being extra social during the entire assembly. Suggested topics of conversation: the Candace Conti case and the Watchtower's current legal predicaments, the "generation" teaching(s), 607 BCE, 1914, 1975, etc. etc. etc. Tell him to HAVE FUN and to make the most of it.

  • LostGeneration

    Oooooh....the possibilities are endless, guess it depends on how "ballsy" your brother is.

    If he is freshly DF'd, maybe there are some who haven't heard the good news, so he could certainly be pretty "brazen" about who he talks to.

    Growing a beard/goatee in the meantime is a start.

    Printing up fliers with and dropping them into slightly cracked windows in the parking lot is a possibility.

    Sleeping through the sessions is a way to show you don't give a shit about what is being said from the platform...

  • Diest

    Lol Gene....I love that you have friend lined up to get him laid. Sounds like another aposta-success story.

  • shopaholic

    At every convention there is a section full of people that are there just to be there. They are usually sleep, on a mobile device, reading magazines, etc...he should find that section. I would recommend that he doesn't sit with his family. That way he can "stretch his legs" when he get's ready

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