I am a former MS and I in the middle of a a several year fade and am still working on my wife. She is totally snowed by the organizaiton. I will say up front that I do still belive the bible, I know many on this board no longer do, however I do. Anyway, I have no interest in debating that subject, just so you know where I am.
I have tried everything I can think of with my wife and nothing seems to get through. I tried the NGO stuff, 607, false prophecy, changing teachings, bad elders, pretty much everything I could try. I almost lost her over it and backed off because she is a wonderful person with a really good heart, and despite the org I still love her and I would be miserable without her.
All that being said, I thing this Candice Conti stuff may actually have gotten through to her a little. It is like one small movement in the right direction but still, at least it is in the right direction. I read the book "When Prophecy Fails" about the UFO cult. It is the book that defines cognitive dissonance. In that book the author found that it takes 3 major things before you can break through. Hopefully this was at least one. All I can say is I hope they continue to shoot themselves in the foot. The way they responded on the website saying the abuse was "alledged" and "may have happened" was good . . . for me. Keep it up Brother JR. Brown! You da man!
Anyway, Miss Conti, if by any chance you are reading this I would first of all like to wish you the best, and I would like to thank you for standing up to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society about the subject of pedophilia and child abuse. You had an opportunity to take a settlement but you did the right thing by holding out. Even though my family has fortunately not had to deal with pedophiles you are helping us as well. It is your brave stance that has brought this to the mainstream media. Thank you for that.
Note: I spelled out Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and pedophilia as well as Candice Contie's name to help with SEO