hypocritical parents anyone?

by collegegirl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • collegegirl

    I was reading one of the posts earlier about how hypocrisy among the rank and file really pushed some over the edge.... Well, how about this one? My mom and I were watching Pretty Woman on TV tonight (edited version). It is her favorite movie, so I told her I was going to buy it for her. She told me not to because she couldn't watch it. When I asked her why (knowing all along what the answer would be) she, of course, said, "Because it is rated "R" so I can only watch it on TV." I dropped the subject.

    However, later on tonight I was upstaris in my bedroom and heard some yelling. I came out of my room and realized that it was the TV. My mom (active JW) and dad (inactive since age 19) were watching the HBO series "Six Feet Under." The characters were screaming obscenities right and left. While it is true that the show is not technically rated, wouldn't the language be enough to make her walk away? I found it ironic that the same woman who sat there on the couch and told me she couldn't own the unedited version of her favorite movie because of a rating, could watch men screaming the F-bomb non-stop. Anyone else find this ironic, or have similar stories?

  • terafera

    Hi College! Welcome!

    Um, let me answer your question-

    NO it is not unusual for JW's to act like this! LOL

    I vividly remember my mother telling me I could not go to see 'the Pick Up Artist' because it sounded like a movie where there was alot of sex. She would say,' There is so much smut, cussing and nudity.' Classy lady she was, huh? A few minutes later she would rant and rave every 4 (sometimes 5) letter words she could, usually about something minor.

    When talkin hypocrisy, I've seen it all honey!

  • collegegirl

    Thanks for the welcome Tera.... Yeah, I've seen my fair share of hypocrisies as well, just thought I'd share this one, since it was fresh in my mind.

  • terafera

    So are you a 'college' girl? Do you attend meetings? Tell us about yourself!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi Collegegirl

    Frustrating isn't it? Your mother will have her moments...she will be staunch one day and slack the next...its the JDub way. The hypocrisy is the reason I left.

    You might want to suggest to your mum that she reads the book instead...so long as she keeps it to herself...no one will be stumbled.


  • collegegirl

    Yup. I am a college girl, and loving every minute of it! When I started, i figured out why college is considered bad within the WTS. It actually encourages free thinking and questioning. Imagine that! Anyhow, I will be 19 in two weeks. I was raised in the "Truth." All of my family are witnesses too, except one grandmother, and my inactive dad. I still go to most of the meetings, and have to do service since I live at home. I am pretty much waiting for the opportunity to fade. I have been reading on this site for a while. DIM got me hooked....

  • greven

    hi college girl!

    we are alike. I am in college too, and the elders gave my parents a hard time about it. breeding grounds of worldly wisdom. but thankfully my parents made from start sure that I got the best education I could get. I can tell you it was a real eye opener.
    I however wanted out of the truth since long. what I did was start an honest investication and let my parents see what I find out. so far they agree with alot of my arguments on blood etc. they already know that there is no christian love among the people in the org. they have seen to many things. one time my mother even found a cemetary ribbon with the inscription "may you rest in peace" in her coet wich pretty much upset her. it was one of many kind "notes" she got from "the friends". I think that when my investication is completed I can help them out aswell. this investication helpt me skip field service too. I reasoned that I can not preach anything unless I am fully convinced of the truth. hah! even the elders agreed on that.

    welcome by the way!

    "Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
    -from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-

  • SixofNine

    One has to be careful in situations like this. Often you find yourself slanderously accusing someone of hypocrisy, when in fact they are only guilty of stupidity.

  • mindfield

    Hey, I go to college too. Although I had no trouble getting in... I've never seen any person get heat for getting higher education. People in our cong. actually seem to encourage it. Must be a local thing....

    About the hypocrisy... well, it's not that flagrantly obvious in my household. Just blind obedience and faith in the Governing Body. Oh, and unstoppable belief that the Awake! and Watchtower are very good reading. [8>] Yeah, I'm sure of that as well.

    Welcome, collegegirl! Good to see some more "young" people coming this way...I'm 18 right now, but i think that I'm the youngest on this board.

  • Nicolas

    Me too, I'm 18 years old and I go to college. But if I were still in the WBTS, I would have become a janitor lol, like almost every young jw that I know.

    Black holes are where God divided by zero.

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