22 Year Old JW Dies Because Jehovah Told Him Not To Accept Blood

by God_Delusion 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wasblind

    ". In it, the GB hasn't declared new light to allow transfusions or become forthright in their methods."

    Glenster, I beg to differ on that part,

    In the Reasoning of the Scriptures book on page 71 the WTS ban all blood , even fractions

    In the 2006 August Awake Page 11-12 they allow fractions as a conscience choice

    Before this change, Lives were lost , change ( New light allowing fractions ) in WTS policy made their deaths needless

    When the reason you sacrificed your life change, meaning you didn't have to die because that reason changed, your death becomes in vain

    The reason for Jesus death has not changed, therefore his death was not in vain

    Let me give you another example:

    The reason I cooked a a large dinner, was to prepare for the guest I was expecting

    If the reason change and they all cancel, all that preparation was in vain

    If theres a change in the reason why you did something , it changes the purpose, that reason you did it becomes in vain

    I don't now how to simplify it any further

  • PrincessPeachz

    My grandmother died recently, she was anaemic and needed blood, refused and her body shut down.

    It's much worse when young people with their lives ahead of them die for refusing blood.

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