Emailing my sister RE: Child abuse conviction - NEED HELP!!

by What Now? 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    The organization better not win the dang appeal!!

    What's the status on that, does anybody know?

  • purplesofa

    If a person in the congregation, even one in good standing and who is exemplary has not been appointed or is unable to regular pioneer, what would that say about their past and general spirituality? Why would you leave your child alone with someone like that?

    What the hell does it mean when one is in good standing? What sort of person do Witnesses expect that them to be?


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Share the court documents of the correspondence between the elders and Watchtower - it is pretty damning stuff. My wife GASPED about three times as she read the Watchtower's letter. You can find them at this link, pages 20-23:

  • purplesofa

    A person in good standing is still going to be allowed to go out in service, where some of the abuse took place in this particular case.

  • out4good3

    why even bother......

    Why Even Bother

  • outsmartthesystem

    At this point I would show her the deposition (available online) of the elders that were involved in the case. The deposition plainly states that the elders did not report the matter because they were advised not to.

    But the Organization is not responsible for what happened to her.

    Really? Because I see a policy on their website that says that there IS a 2 witness rule......and I see a deposition that says that the elders were advised by Bethel NOT to report the incident. Kendrick molested his own step daughter and the elders knew about it. They should have reported him to the police immediately. At that point.....IT WOULD BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and they would have done their part to protect the congregation. But they did NOT report him. The fact that they did not report him to the police thus kept the fact that he molested his own step daughter private/quiet. This allowed him to time to sail under the radar for a while and to choose his next victim and do the same to her. The next victim was Candace Conti. If the elders had reported hiim to the police the first time.....the police would have launched a public investigation. Conti's family would have known that at the very least he was an alleged abuser. This would have prevented them from ever leaving her alone with him. It is in the deposition. The society advised the elder not to tell law enforcement. It is the SOCIETY'S FAULTY ADVICE/FAULTY POLICY that caused Conti' to get molested. I would flat out ask her how the society is NOT at fault when they were the ones that advised the elder not to contact law enforcement.

    And the elders are following ceasar's law - not Jehovah's by not disclosing the alleged accused name to the congregation.

    Again. They don't have to make an annoucement from the stage. All they have to do is tell the friggin police and it will become public knowledge/safety.

    Jehovah is in full control of what goes on in his organization and if there was some error on the part of the brothers he will deal with it in his own time.

    Perhaps he is dealing with it now.....for about $28 million.......and perhaps he'll deal with it soon in the future when more suits come in.

    We can pray for that family, only the new system will take away the pain she's suffered (rev21:4) no amount of money will do that for her.

    Money will not take away her pain. That is for sure. But should she or anyone else risk taking THEIR children to a place (the kingdom hall) that harbors pedophiles due to the policies of the leadership of the organization? Would God really direct them to NOT inform the that ANOTHER child can be hurt?

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I had to reply. I couldn't not reply.


    Oh. So Jehovah arranged for the matter to not be handled correctly in the first place, which in turn allowed this person to abuse 2 other girls. Then, years later he allowed this girl to bring the case court, and arranged for the society to lose?

    You're right. Makes perfect sense. My bad.

    I wonder if you would feel differently if it had been *****(my son). Or you. Her reply: You should read that email again. Because I am pretty sure I said "if" it was handled correctly. And I don't care if it was you or *****(my son) or *******(my younger sister) - the fact is the safest place to be is in Jehovah's Organization. You sound like an apostate! people flock to the truth because Jehovah promises to get rid of people like pedophiles. You can't always protect your children. A molester could be *****(my husband). Or **** or your neighbor... Just because it happened in the organization which is made up of imperfect people doesn't mean you blame the organization. That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. And if ***** (my husband) was accused of molesting someone without evidence would you want the Congregation to announce him as a child molester? or if you were accused? Yes it's a terrible thing if you are molested and I am sure of I had a child I'd be more sympathetic... But the fact is that your loyalty lies with Jehovah first! Always. Otherwise why did you get baptised? Everything will get sorted out. Jehovah will see to it that justice is done. And Jehovah allows bad things to happen sometimes simply because he is not the ruler of the world right now. Satan is. So how can you blame Jehovah or his organization for something that someone did. It makes no sense I'm sorry you will never convince me of that!! But anyways, I'm tired of arguing on this point because it's going no where.

  • LostGeneration

    The one thing she correctly stated in all of that mess is:

    It makes no sense I'm sorry you will never convince me of that!!

    Just send her over to JWtalk, she would fit in real well over there....

  • outsmartthesystem

    Just because it happened in the organization which is made up of imperfect people doesn't mean you blame the organization

    But it happened because of the policies and the advice handed down from Bethel. Both the perpetrator and the society are to blame. If the society shares no part of this crime due to their policies and advice.....then my stock broker shares none of the blame for advising me to invest in junk bonds.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    Tell me about it @LostGeneration.

    She pulled out the "A" word ... I guess I'm on thin ice here.

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